24. He and I... And the space between Us.

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Did you know that apparently, Chamomile tea has some sort of natural extract that has the power to calm your nerves down? You did? Strange. I didn't. But Suzy knew that little fact, and that's why there I was, tipping inside my mouth the not so nice sugarless Chamomile tea she forced on my hands.

"Can you believe it?" She asked as she sat down close to me. "He said he first went to your house before coming here!"

"Yeah, well, he lied to me. He told me nothing was going on between him and Charlotte."

Suzy pursed her lips to the side the way she always does when thinking.

"Okay, this is just a thought and in no way meant to excuse anybody, but I'm saying this only because everything seemed to be odd." She turned fully toward me and placed one leg against the sofa and the other dangling on the side of the sofa. "Do you think maybe you should like, listen to what he has to say? Maybe there is an explanation to it all."

Seriously? How else would he explain her snaking her hands around his biceps as anything else? That didn't sit well with me, and I didn't see any other explanations.

"No. I saw what I saw, and it was clear as a day where they stood."

I was done mopping around. Besides, it was getting late already, so I got up from the couch. "Thank you for everything, but I gotta go home now. Mom will be worried."

"Okay. Just try to rest, yeah? Everything will be alright; we will deal with everything else tomorrow. Bye, Amelia."

I tried to be as quiet as possible when I reached my house. I tried to make sure I made no sound at all when opening the door and went as far as tiptoeing through our living room because I didn't want mom, who was busying herself in our kitchen to see my puffed-out eyes.

"Honey, is that you? I'm in the kitchen."

Apparently, mom had ears like a bat.

"Hi, mom. Yeah, it's me. I'm just exhausted and have a headache. I'm just gonna lay down for a little bit, okay?"

"Do you need me to bring you some pain killers? Also, there was a Logan here earlier to see you."

Him again. It seemed like I couldn't turn anywhere without him being mentioned or seen or whatever.

"Yeah, I know. He called me! And no, I already took some pain killers. Goodnight, mom." I closed and locked my door.


I wasn't in the mood to go to school the next day as you can imagine. Especially since I knew Charlotte would be there, waiting, and possibly Logan too, and I didn't want to deal with either one of them. To be completely honest, I didn't know how to deal with them. But of course, I had to go. I couldn't miss school. I was a good student, after all.

Long after I had parked my car in the school's parking lot, I sat inside just staring at all the other cars and the faces of happy students in front of me. I had heaviness in my chest I didn't know how to get rid of. With a long, deep breath, I opened my car door and got out, only to be met with the person I didn't want to see. At least not yet.

For the first time since I first met him all those days ago, Logan looked tired. His hair, even if it still looked good, it was a lot messier than usual, and his eyes, if you look closely enough, you could see the under-eye bags.

Standing in front of me was a whole different Logan.

We stood like that, staring at each other until I decided I couldn't deal with him. I locked my car and walked away, or tried to walk away because, in a second, Logan had grabbed my hand in his and was in front of me.

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