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I started writing this book about a year ago.

It went through a lot of changes and there was a time, I completely had to rewrite it. People who read this book 10 month ago, would not think this was the same book if they were to read it today. So I encourage you to come back. Hehe.

Back when I started it, I was a complete newbie at writing. I mean really, I never wrote anything in my life, until I decided to write Amelia. I didn't have a sense of punctuation's, my grammar was so-so, mistakes were like my best friend, and I generally had no idea how to tell a good story.

Even though I didn't, I dived into the world of writing just because I loved to read.

I got myself into book clubs.

My first book club was DreamlandCommunity

They have a book club dreamland book club but I can't find it's user name.

I found a lot of people who were ready to help, then. Their constructive criticism slowly taught me how to place proper punctuation's.

I can't deny, some of the words were hurtful but without them, I would have never changed.

From the dreamland, I would like to acknowledge Steph_AnnieL She was one of the first people I got paired with and helped in teaching me how some of the things work.

(Thank you, white tigress. 😊)

And the whole team of DreamlandCommunity for being some of the things that helped my journey to the Me that I am today.


My special thanks goes to my second book club


These guys are amazing. I found a lot of amazing people there that really helped me. I mean really.

BrittaSwann You are awesome. I'm glad I got to know you earlier on my writing journey. You were there when I needed you. You don't even know me in person, but you were there. You are still here and I love you for that.

You were ready to go out of your way just to help me. I am a better writer today because of you.

rumandcocacola You are another awesome person. Believe it or not, your inline comments telling me how things should be, really shaped me to the writer I am today. Thank you.

Outside of PIPBK

I met MauliWrites she became my friend ever since we got paired in TheTigressCommunity They have a book club called white tigress book club. I couldn't find the name but since we met, you have been a good friend and a good support. Thank you so much. You were real with me when I needed you to be. I'm happy you are my friend. I'm happy I have someone to talk to when I need someone to talk to.

CJriteS_ I have so much to say about you, but I'll make it short. I don't know how you found my book, but the moment I wrote it and posted it, you were there. I think you were my first reader. That was a year ago. That was when my book was crap, but you didn't care. You never even gave up on me and told me I sucked, instead, you believed in me and recommended my book to your other friend. pixel-love who also went on and read my book. I love both of you.

NataliaMayers We met through a book club pairing, but until now, we are friends who still talk from time to time. You supported me and my book and you believed in me. Thank you. Your comments, your friendship, Everything was just what I needed.

Skywalkerbaby I don't know where or how you came to me. You were like a God-sent who showed up to brighten my day. You picked up my book, read it, and for two days, you never put it down until you finished it. What I'm more thankful about was, there was a time I was that close to stop writing. You were there and told me I was doing good. If I wanted to rest I should, but not to give up on the book. Thank you.

GabriellaCurls I was so thankful when we met. I know we met through a book club, I'm glad that it brought us together. I feel like we understand each other so well. Like we've known each other for a long time when really, it hasn't even been two month. You are a good friend. the support you give me for my book is everything I could ever wish for. Thank you. You are awesome. 

pomalo_ I picked up your book, read it, fell in love with it and you read mine and we became friends ever since. You became someone I could talk to when I needed advice. Your comments, and just being yourself makes me happy. I'm happy you are my friend.

ughsuhani We met through a book club, I think, but we became friends and I want you to know I appreciate our friendship.

JaegerWayne1 I'm absolutely not sure how we met, but you were helpful in making my book the way it is now through your comments and somewhere along the line, we became people who supported each other, I guess. It was nice to meet you, man.

Everyone else who I haven't mention, maybe I just forgot and just that maybe I'm tired, but all of you paid a high role in making me grow. I love you.

If you know for sure you should be on this is list, you can anonymously PM me. I will add you here.

Thank you, guys.

See you on Amelia 2.

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