53. Mindless Questions.

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I was no longer a virgin.

I don't think I ever thought about the day I would lose my virginity, and don't get me wrong, I wasn't one of those 'I won't do it until I found the one and I get married first' kind of girls or anything like that, but I just never really put much thoughts on the day I was gonna actually get down to losing it.

One word. That. Was. Painful. As. Hell. Wait, that wasn't one word. You know what, just combine them together and make it one word because I'm telling you now when he pushed himself inside me, I thought he was breaking me apart and seeming as I bled on him, he did break me apart. After that, it wasn't that bad. If I wasn't so immersed in thinking about the pain, rather than Logan was naked in front of me, parts of him inside me, I would have begun to enjoy it. Oh well, next time then.

Did I just say, next time? Seriously, shame on me for already thinking about our next time together.

Suzy would have lost her mind from the news. If she was talking to me that is.

What kept me going during the deed was the amount of care Logan showed me. He was all over. Kissing me, holding me, caressing me just so he could make me feel better.

If I'm being completely honest though, I felt much closer to him. I mean, he was inside me. It can't get any closer than that.

"You want to have a shower?" Logan quietly spoke beside me. I had no idea how long we laid there in each other's embrace, but having a shower sounded just like the thing I needed.

Truth be told, it was beginning to feel a little too hot and I did feel kinda... Dirty with the amount of moist between my legs.

If it was any other day, I would have just jumped out of the bed and galloped my way to the bathroom. Part of it would have been because I would have been too shy to walk slowly with my butt naked in front of him, and the second reason would have been because I could walk faster.

Circumstances at that moment didn't allow for any of the above. Believe me, I tried only to end up wincing and ground my teeth.

"Would you like help standing up?" Logan who'd been watching everything I did to that point offered.

My cheeks turned to crimson red.

I pulled the bed covers tighter to my body. "This is weird, isn't it?"

"No. No, it's not." He crossed his arms behind his head and laid back in the bed. The covers that were covering his body, rode down to his waist allowing me another view of his perfect, muscular toned front and his nipples and belly button and...

Shame on me.

He smirked. "Besides, " he continued. "We've done quite a lot with me bursting you open and all so, it's pretty normal."

"Jesus, Logan." I threw him a look that clearly said 'You are unbelievable' and rolled my eyes. "Just shut up, and help me up."

He chuckled before unlike me, he didn't have any problems standing up, so he got up from the bed and stood in front of me. Stark naked might I add which caused me to try really, really hard not to look down past his belly button. He extended his arm for me to take, I did, but not without making sure my other hand was holding the bed-covers tightly. I wasn't going to stand there naked the way he did.

But of course, that was Logan we were talking about. Because instead of just pulling me up and let me go about my way, he pulled me straight to his body, making sure there was no space left between his naked chest and my covered chest.

He didn't stop there, he dipped his head closer to me, almost like he was sniffing me from the side of my neck to my shoulder.

"Mmmh." He took a deep breath. "Interesting," he said. "You smell something in between me and you. It suits you."

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