16. The Nightclub.

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Thirty minutes of driving and me wondering where the heck we were going finally landed us in a warehouse looking area. Suzy only threw me a glance before she opened her door, and got out.

I looked around, unsure of what we were doing there because there... wherever it was, wasn't much to see. Just a lot of other cars parked and a few staggering people.

"Come on, let's go. We are here."

"Err, Suzy. Where is here exactly?"

I followed Suzy who stood out of the car with her arms against both sides of her waist like she was ready to take the night head-on. I, however, made sure to keep an eye around the area since the 'area' seriously looked like someone could jump in on us at any given moment.

Suzy angled her face towards me with the biggest smirk she ever bestowed upon me like she couldn't wait to see the surprise in my face she most definitely knew would follow.

"Welcome, to the biggest underground nightclub in town."

Bloody hell.


I don't think I need to tell you that I have never been to a nightclub before. Especially an underground nightclub that was apparently, super exclusive that really made me question whether I actually knew my best friend as well as I thought I did.

The moment we got past the 'super exclusive bouncers,' Suzy's words not mine, I understood why she wanted me to look my best. The shiny colors of different disco lights, shone above the mass of people with just as shiny clothes dancing throughout the massive place. Everything was mesmerizing. The pumping music, the lights that made you look like you were dancing even if you weren't, the expensive wall decorations, everything.

Like she knew I needed assistance. Lots of assistance to even be able to take a step forward, Suzy grabbed my hand and led me to the opposite direction where the bar was located.

"What do you want to drink?" She shouted to my ear.

"I'm not sure. A soda?" I shouted back.

My best friend didn't even bother masking the look of bewilderment in her face as she looked at me with the look I would only interpret as 'Are you serious?' before she scoffed, and turned back to the bartender.

When she turned back around, she handed me a cup with an amber liquid inside. "Try this one. I mixed it with Apple juice, so it should be fine for you. Just take it easy, though."

Take it easy? That didn't earn any vote of confidence.

Without a warning, Suzy quite literally grabbed me by my waist and pulled me against herself before she smirked and guide my waist with her hand.

"Dance with me," she said.

See the most amazing thing about having a best friend is the fact that they are willing to be there for you. My best friend was there and doing everything in her power to make sure I enjoy myself and have a good time, and because of that, without even thinking about it, I started swaying my hips left and right following her hand guide.

I don't know what it was about the lights and the loud music pumping and the people around us, but after a while, I let go of any, and all the little retrains I might have had, and just lost myself entirely to the beat. The small buzz I had from the drink, and the buzz from the electronic music pumping through the speakers ran across my body almost in a euphoric sort of way and I loved every second of it.

Dancing was so much fun, and for a moment, I forgot about Charlotte, about Logan, about everything until I tipped the cup of my drink against my lips only to find out apparently, somewhere between my dancing and enjoying myself, I had drink everything.

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