11. Contact updates.

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I was a woman on a mission.

A very important mission at that.

Remember what I said about going to ask Suzy a certain question? This was it. I had to know something and I wasn't waiting.

"Amelia, dinner's ready."

Bummer, I guess I was going to file my mission for the next day.

I walked into the kitchen where mom was already sitting waiting. Two bowls of chicken soup on either side of the table and quite a smug look on her face as she looked at something on her phone.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, there you are. I'm okay." She placed her phone on top of the table but not without making sure the screen faced down. Hiding whatever it was that gave her the smug look.

"How did the school go today, with you not being able to write and all?"

"I was listening really, really closely." I pulled my chair and sit down. "You know if you understand you don't really need notes. But Suzy promised to give me some of hers for studying."

"God bless her."

Mom and I lapsed into a comfortable silence as we dig into our bowls of soup. I could see each time I looked at her she wanted to peep into her phone from the way her eyes kept on dashing towards it, but every time she would stop herself and trade it for another spoonful of soup.

So, mom was hiding something. Interesting.

"Hey, mom. I'm gonna go see Margaret this weekend, and maybe I'll spend the Saturday there and come back on Sunday. Is that okay with you?" I asked. "Dad texted me and said she missed me."

She considered this for a second, and I found myself wondering if it was too early to be telling her about wanting to go to his house especially after the news I gave her.

"Of course." She smiled then. Like she was trying to reassure me it was okay. "I don't see why not."

Remind me to teach everybody never to separate, or divorce or whatever, since kids get it the hardest.

I smiled back. I didn't want to continue that dreaded conversation anyway so, I opted for a much lighter conversation with her until it was time to go to sleep. Something I was looking forward to by the way.


I found Suzy standing near her locker and my filed mission was unfiled straight away.

"How come I never noticed Leo or Logan before?"

"Morning to you too sunshine. That eager, huh?"

She raised her eyebrow. Crap. I couldn't believe I hadn't even said hello.

"No, I'm not. Eager I mean." My cheeks colored. "Good morning."

"Well, to answer your question, you haven't noticed them before because they are science students. They don't study in the same classes as we do. They may not seem like it, but they are smart, like really smart." She explained as she tried to fix her auburn hair.

"Oh?" I raised my brows.

"It's very rare for them to come to study in our classes, but it happens sometimes. I think it's one of those occasional times when we all have similar topics to be taught; their teacher's just ship them off to our classes." She turned around, facing me completely.

"That makes sense, I guess," I mumbled.

"Which reminds me, we are going to start sitting with the boys at lunch break from now on."

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