"Don't worry you'll be fine I just know it" He said patting my back.

"Thanks" I said smiling.

Then we started walking to the bus stop.

One down...One more to go.

I took a deep breath then knocked on the door.

P'Kwan opened the door.

"Sawadee Krap P" I said.

"Sawadee Krap" He said.

Then he let us in.

"Ai Sun said that he's going to South Korea next week to continue his studies there" P'Kwan said.

I sighed and nodded.

Then I followed P'Kwan to Ai Sun's room.

I asked Ai Champ to wait outside before I entered the room.

"Ummm...Good to see that your wound is healed now" I said smiling awkwardly.

"It's fine" He said.

I sighed and sat down in front of him.

"I started going to therapy...I realized that I actually needed help" I said.

"I'm sorry" He said.

I sighed and nodded.

"Do you hate me?" He asked.

"I don't know my feelings...It's confusing...I thought I hated you but now I'm not even sure" I said.

"I didn't hate you...But I'm not sure if what I felt for you was love either" He said.

"Well then what was it?" I asked.

I was really afraid of the answer but I felt like I had to know.

"We spent most of our childhood together...You were just innocent and naive and had a really irresistible smile...You charmed me...Not just me but also P'Kwan...Growing up together I really started to like you as more than just a friend...But I had to compete over your attention with P'Kwan...After you rejected me when we were in middle school I felt like I lost you to my brother...And that's when I started to get obsessed with you" He said.

"Wow...That's really messed up you know that?" I asked smiling awkwardly.

"I know it's messed up...I'm sorry" He said.

"But I don't feel like this towards you" I said.

"I know" He said.

"Or your brother" I said.

He looked up at me confused.

"It was never a competition because I never liked any of you guys...You two are like brothers to me" I said.

"Fair enough" He said smiling and shaking his head.

We stayed silent for what felt like minutes.

"I'm going to South Korea" He said.

"Yeah...I heard" I said.

"Can you please grant me this one last wish?" He asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

I already had an idea about what his wish was.

He leaned nearer to my face and kissed me.

I felt nothing...I didn't even close my eyes or kiss him back.

He pulled away and smiled.

"Thank you" He said.

"I'm sorry" I said.

Not So Innocent (In Six Months Bonus Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now