"You better not fucking hold back against me."

The competitive male immediately walked away, not paying a single glance back.

If he had turned around, his gaze would be on you—pulling at the roots of your hair in complete horror and frustration as you slowly walked to your corner, hoping that the longer you took, the greater the chance you wouldn't have to do this.

Already reading your mind, your black haired teacher spoke as he stood beside the other two adults,

"Akuma, you're going to fight Bakugou today no matter what... just get this over with."

Scurrying to your corner to "get this over with", you found yourself in the maddening gaze of a certain hothead. His palms were already smoking, his body barely holding back, his eyes showing you the complete aggravating desire to tear you apart.

With a exaggerated sigh, All Might rose his arm above his head, ready to yell the words that were already taunting themselves at the back of your head on repeat.

After a few passing seconds and a couple of sideways glances, the muscular arm of the hero was thrusted downwards, his booming voice yelling one word,



"EEEP!" You yelped as massive explosions erupted in front of you, allowing the hothead to lunge himself at you, the only thing you did was watch in terror as the boy's smirk only grew at your timid form.

Trying to think of a quick plan, the greatest idea popped into your head: run away from this sick bastard.

So you did.

You started lapping the arena, making the whole fight seem like you were a track runner in the wrong place. Every step of the way you were panicking, gasping for breath as the relentless male used his explosions to chase after you.

Within minutes sweat was dripping from your forehead, your classmate still refusing to let you run around.

"STOP RUNNING AND FIGHT ME AKUMA!" The male yelled behind you.

"NO, FUCK YOU!" You yelled back, immediately regretting your decision because it took more oxygen than you initially thought it would.

With a gruntled yell and a large explosion, the ash blonde caught up to you, emitting a large burst upon your small frame. Jumping out of the way, you tumbled to the ground, unsatisfied that Bakugou was still chasing you, and now frustrated that your pants were torn at the knees.

"FUCK YOU!" You yelled at the male as he sent another blast your way, singing one of your arms in the process. Your body quickly mended the wound, the bloody spot soon turning a light shade as a scar appeared.


"I SAID NO!" You yelled again, breaking out into another run the moment you gathered yourself from the ground.



You could only focus on your opponent, everything around you didn't matter at this point. Aizawa, All Might, 47, they were doing nothing to help, so your only option was to keep running. As you passed your so called teachers, you couldn't help but give them a helpless look, hoping they'd save you. Yet the best thing you got was a thumbs up from All Might—Aizawa stared at you boredly, and 47 bore his eyes into your head with zero interest.

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