Chapter 19

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Rayne |

"We're back!" Larry said coming into the room with a red bandana tied around his head and a ton of shopping bags, which said Beginnings on it. Soon the door shut and Mynce walked over to Larry's side. "What cha'll doing?" She sat on the couch next to Laurent.

"Nothing much, I just got back from Trey's house." I said rubbing my nails together.

"Eating cookies," Laurent said picking up the plate. "I'm gonna go..." He took the plate with him, put it in the sink and walked upstairs. We all looked at each other wondering what was wrong. We exchanged shrugs. "I'ma go check on him," I said. I walked upstairs to Lau's room to find him semi-sleep. I layed up against him, not changing out of my uniform and whispered in his ear, "You okay?" By the power invested in my words, his lifeless body charged up and he wrapped his arms around me. I expected him not to hear what I said, but he did. "Yeah, I'm fine." He gave a soft smile at me with his eyes still closed. It feels weird being in this position with him, but I guess.

"Good morning," I hear Laurent's deep, sleepy voice in my ear.
I smiled. "Good morning. How are you up before me?"
"Same reason you're always up before me."
"I'll let you get that off."

"About time, love birds." I look up and see Mynce standing in the doorway. I sigh and roll my eyes at her. She thinks there's something "lowkey" between me and Laurent, but I don't feel that away about him. But  I'm not gonna lie... At this moment, with the way he's been making me feel and view him, I don't know. "Not!" I protested. She just laughed and walked out the room, cracking the door on her way out.

It's the first weekend since we've got back in school sense winter break. That first week was stressful! It's Sunday, so another stressful week starts tomorrow! We decide to get dressed. Laurent finishes getting dressed before me... as always.

I finish tying a red bandana around my head and scope my body from head to toe. My attempts fail because I don't even get past my neck! My amulet still rests on my neck. I look at and take in how beautiful it is.

I touch it, giving me flashbacks of that horrible day and the good days. Memories of my papa flood me while I look in the mirror. I can see it, and hear it. Most importantly, I can feel it. I can feel the happiness I felt whenever we played guitar songs and watched Disney movies together.

"What do you see?" Laurent whispers in my ear and hugs me from behind. He looks at me and we just look at ourselves in the mirror. "Do you see your father?"

"Would you like to go see him?"

It has honestly been a long while since I've visited him. I miss him. Going to his grave won't bring him back, but it'll make me feel better.

"Yes. I want to go."

We went down the stairs and see Mynce at the bottom of the stairs. Larry threw a pillow at her and it hit her in the stomach.

"Watch the belly!" she yelled, catching the pillow and throwing it back at him. "Anyway," her smile returned, "I was just about to call for you guys.  I cooked, come get breakfast before it gets cold." She smiled.

"We'll pass," Laurent passed her to the door, "We're leaving anyway." I followed him to the door.

"Where you guys going?" Mynce asked.
"We'll be back," I reassured her.
"Be safe."
"We will." 

Laurent unlocked the door and held the door for me and followed me out of it. "Baby, slow down on the pancakes," I hear Mynce say to Larry as I closed the door.

After grabbing some flowers, we head to his grave. We walked through the graveyard, silently, both in our own thoughts. I stopped when his grave is in sight.

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