Chapter 13

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Rayne |

I walked into the house while removing my uniform and apron.

"Why y'all back so early?" Mynce asked as she seen me approaching the room.

"'Cause I've been fired... Well, replaced," I said tossing my apron onto the couch, and sitting next to it. Laurent looked at me, raising his eyebrow. "Why would the Athens replace you out of all people. I mean, c'mon now, you've been working for them for years and you and their kids have pretty much developed a bond."

I leaned my head back onto the outside back of the couch. "I wouldn't expect it either, Lau."

"Stop playing, Rayne. What did you do?" Larry rolled his eyes at me. I sat up straight and looked at him. "You wanna know what I did?" I rhetorically asked him. "I went to work."

"And they replaced you?" Mynce asked.
"Just like that." I said.
"I can tell you're being honest, but you're also being very vague."

Honestly, she was right. So I decided to stop fuckin' around and get to the truth. "I was replaced by Cheyanne."

"Cheyanne?" Everyone said.

"Why?" Larry asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked rhetorically again. "Cheyanne is at a war with me for Laurent, so she's trying to ruin me by taking my job. Turns out Kagan let that happen 'cause Cheyanne's leading him around by his dick. Lil' shit ain't 'bout nun. She'll get hers."

Laurent sighed. I can tell he wanted to talk more about, but decided to leave the conversation where I decided to.  To fill the awkward silence, he turned on Orange is the New Black on Netflix. "Episode night?"

"Yeah," said Larry wrapping his arm around Mynce.

We watched movies for the rest of the night. I really like how my friends can make everything so much better for me.

Laurent |

Everyone had pretty much fell asleep during the episodes we were watching. Being hungry woke me up in the middle of sleep. I looked at my phone. It's 5:10AM. I decided to eat and go back to sleep.

I passed Rayne, and looked at her asleep on the floor. When she's sleep, she looks so innocent and beautiful; she looks at peace.

"If only you were mine..." I whispered to myself while looking at her.

I sighed and finished walking into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and looked around for something to eat. Everything was looking so good to eat, and I'm not much of a picky eater so I grabbed cream cheese and a bagel. I took the bagel into 2 and put it in the microwave and waited.

"If only she was yours..."

I turned around and it was Larry!

"Larry!" I semi-yelled. I wanted to yell at him, but I didn't wanna wake the house. "You cannot speak on any thing you heard!"

"If I was gonna tell her, I would've been did it." He says, making me silent. Am I not so discreet with my feelings as I thought I was? "I knew you loved Rayne. You just haven't told her because she doesn't feel the same way."

I sighed. "I know." I took a small butter knife out of the closet right before the microwave goes off. "I know how you feel," he tells me.

"No you don't," I shrug off what he says, "You have the girl you wanted."

"You are frustrated, Laurent! You know I know what frustration feels like. We may not have been frustrated for the same reasons, but frustration is frustration!"

I spread cream cheese over my bagel. "If you say so, Larry." I sat down at the table and started to eat. I could feel Larry's eyes on me so I looked up. His expression looked as if he was irritated. "What?" I asked him. He just shook his head and left the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders. I guess.

After I ate, I went back to sleep for another hour until my 6:30AM phone alarm going off. I groaned because I did not feel like getting up.

Rayne |

"Rise and shine!" I said to Laurent and Larry. Everyone had gotten up before them, so I guess they stayed up the latest. I could hear that loud ass alarm from all the way downstairs, and I had to get out the shower and put on my robe to go get their lazy asses up.

It's Monday, and I'm eager to get past this last week of school before we get out for Christmas break. With all this shit going on, I doubt that Christmas is gon' be exciting.

"Where's Mynce?" Larry asked not feeling Mynce anymore.
"Kira took her home."
"She didn't have to go home."
"Uh, yes she did. She needs clothes. You can go spend a night over there if you don't mind riding the bus."
"Matter of fact, I will."

It sounded like he was protesting, so I just laughed it off. He followed his brother into the kitchen to eat so we can get ready for school.

I finished getting ready for school and waited for the twins to get ready. I watched Rai play with all her toys in the middle of the living room.

Laurent came down the stairs first. I caught an amazing wiff of his cologne. I just want to put my face in his chest and just sniff!

"You finally lost that afro," he looks at me, "I almost forgot how long your hair really was." To be honest, I almost did too. But do not be fooled. People be calling me bald headed and be salty as fuck when I pull a curl down or when they see me with my hair straightened. "To be honest, I almost did too."

He just nodded with a smile. He looked down at Rai tugging on his pants, wanting him to pick her up. He picked her up. "Hey, beautiful," he started tickling her. She started making happy baby noises and giggling. Watching this made my heart warm up. He cuddled her and kissed her. It was just too cute. He'd be a good father.

Soon,  Larry came down the stairs ready to pick up Mynce and go to school.

"Took you long enough," Laurent said. In response, Larry gave him the finger and headed right out the door. We followed him and got in the car.

As usual, I'm in the back. Larry plugged his phone in and played "Cuffin' Season" by Fabolous.

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