Chapter 8

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Kira/Kaye in the Mm.

- Amethyst


I spent the night over their house that night. By the time I woke up, Kagan and Carmen were gone. Probably-most likely-to the hospital, I suppose.

"I wish you could've celebrated our 11th birthday with us," Ci'Aire said sitting at the table withhis twin sister while I prepare our breakfast.

"Maybe next year," I looked up monetarily and then back down to the skillet.
"That'll be forever!" Ciara complained.
"Nah, it'll be here before you know it."

I put the pancakes on the plate next to the sausages and eggs and cut both of them. I looked in the refrigerator for fruit. I roamed the inside until I finally layed eyes on strawberries. I grabbed them, shutting the refrigerator behind me, and took it over to the sink, and washed them off. I put 2 of them on each plate and sprayed a coat of whipped cream on them. I stood back gazing at all of our 3 plates and admired my work. I did that! I picked up both of the twins' plates and took it to them, and they wasted no time digging in. I went to go and get my plate and sat down with them.

"Why does Mommy work so much?" Ciara asked. I was thrown off by the question because of how random it was. I had gotten tongue-tied. This is the type of question you rehearse for, and I ain't rehearse for this. "W-why you ask?" I asked her.

"You're here a lot, and they barely are. They're always working."

"Well," I cleared my throat, "they have to make money in order to take care of you honey. And her job requires extra attention. Just bare with them, okay?" She nodded before eating her plate. I looked over at Ci'Aire. "That goes for you too, boy," I playfully nudged his shoulder.

"Okay," he said not looking up from his plate.

When we were done eating, I chilled in the living room sitting on the couch watching the kids wrestle with each other. It was the cutest thing ever, their bond is so strong. I love it!

Carmen came in the house later in the day, and she carried a bag of groceries with her. She walked swiftly to the kitchen. All without a word. Kagan followed in soon after with a look of concern on his face. He carried his groceries to the kitchen behind him. "Hey, kids," he softly said.

Woah! Wassup? I've never known them to have problems. They show PDA all the time, but never too much for the eyes of people, and they barely argue.

"Stay here, guys," I told the kids getting up off the couch.

I followed Kagan into the kitchen, and ending up bumping into him when he was returning from there. "Hold on, Kagan," I stopped him before he could walk pass me. I pulled him by his arm back into the middle of the hall. "What's going on? And don't tell me it's nothing because it is."

"Carmen. Something's wrong with her."
"Is she mad?"
"No. Just stressed."

He walked off. I watched him exit, deep into thought, until the door shut behind him. I walked until the kitchen and Carmen's back was turned to me. She was putting up groceries at a fast pace. I walked up behind her slowly and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump in fear.

"It's me! Chill!" I yelled noticing she was about to hit me with a loaf of bread. Her spine relaxed and her breathing slowed down back to its normal pace. She gave me a glare before turning around to finish bagging groceries. "Um... I'm sorry, Mrs. Carmen. I didn't mean to bother or scare you." I was about to turn and walk away before she called, "Wait!" after me. I turned back around and looked at her listening to what she wanted. "It's not you, honey. I'm sorry, but I'm so... ugh!" She groaned heavily and turned back around to putting groceries up. "What's wrong?" I asked.

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