Chapter 10

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looks like Kira's getting a new look. 😉

if you don't know what Dissociative Personality Disorder is, google it .


Rayne |

I say my goodbyes to Carmen before getting out of her car in front my home. I'm home a month later, just like I promised Mynce I would be.

Even after a month, there's still no sign of Whitney! But I can't worry about that; school's out for fall break, I'm in a comfortable home, and I'm hanging with friends that mean the most to me, even if me and one of them aren't on good terms. Thanksgiving is in 6 days, and we need to plan for it. I know Kira's whipping up something nice.

I unlocked the door, and I knocked on it as I opened it. "I'm home!" I announced my presence.

"They're not here," Kira walked past me holding Rai. I was so happy to see my baby after so long. I instantly dropped my backpacks and walked in a jogging motion over to her eager to get my hands on my baby sister. I picked her up, planting rapid kisses on her soft cheeks. I turned my attention back to Kira, who was smiling at us. "Where are they?" I asked.

"I don't know, they just left out," she shrugged her shoulders. "You know they don't tell me anything anymore."

By her tone of voice, I could tell something was bothering her. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Kira," I rolled my eyes at her.
"Fine, it is!"
"What happened?"
"Kaye! She-she..."
"She did what?"

She gulped heavily. "She q-quit my job at McDonald's an-and employed me as a... s-s-stripper at Hips and Heels." My eyes widened, and I felt my stomach burn in anger. What the hell is Kaye doing with Kira's life? What!? "You serious?"

"I'm serious... I'm very.." She zoned out. She kept repeating the word "serious," and she was just staring into space. Did she slip out of consciousness?

"Rayne," a lower voice spoke to me, and at that moment I knew it was Kaye. A devious voice to match her personality... "Kaye," I returned her greeting, "Why did you do that Kira. A stripper? Really?"

I sat Rai on the floor, and she wondered off to go find her play pen. Even though she's only 1, I still don't want her to hear our conversation.

"I want to make enough to send Kira off to college so she can be a therapist, like she dreamed of, and McDonald's isn't paying her enough for that!"

Her words made sense, but at the same time, they didn't seem truthful. I looked at her crossing my arms. "Are you sure it's for Kira, or you just want money?" I'm not dumb, I know all strippers use college as an excuse to do what they do; won't see one textbook, but steady clapping.

Her eyes squinted at her, their definition increased. "For Kira! Believe it or not, I love her. I just want to see her make it. She'll never be able to afford college with her basic ass McDonald's job."

"You love her?" I asked rhetorically, my voice turning sarcastic. "But you've been nothing but a negative influence on her life!"

"Do you know what she went through? Hmm?" She asked me, her voice deeper. "Do you know how I got here? There's a deep story behind everyone with this condition."

"Tell me," I said simply.

She sighed, and for the first time, she looked sad... She looked like she actually had feelings. I knew she had been hiding this from everyone for as long as possible, but you know what they say: what's done in the dark will come to light.

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