Chapter 11

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Larry |

Mynce was sitting right next to me on the sofa, and she looked absolutely beautiful in her white tank top, beige khakis, and wheat Timberlands.

I looked at her and grazed her face. She doesn't have much boobs, her butt isn't big and full of silicone, she has bruises on her face... and she's still beautiful.

"You gon' stop looking at me and tell me what you're thinking?" She asked still facing forward, then turning her head to face me. My face twisted into confusion, wondering how she knew with her face looking down at her phone. "I can feel your eyes on me," she answered me noticing my face. I just nodded in an understandable fashion. "So, are you gonna tell me?" She put her phone in her pocket.

"I can't tell you, I can show you, must I'm not sure if you want to see."
She laughed. "You're really gonna get poetic when I asked you a question?"
"It's the truth."
Her smile faded. "Tell me-show me. Whichever one."

My stomach burned with nervousness. Should I move in? This my chance?

They always say "fuck it" is the last words before you do some crazy shit.

And they are right.

Fuck it.

I grabbed her face and kissed her. I put my lip between hers, tasted her pretty lips. She didn't kiss back necessarily, but I felt her shocked body relax.

Laurent's fast-and loud-footsteps coming down the stairs interrupted us, and I pulled back before he entered the living room. I looked at her face. She looked down with a shy smile, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Was she blushing?

"Hey," Laurent called for our attention. "Y'all know where Kira and Rayne is?"

Just then, I heard the door open, a furious Rayne walked into the living room with Kira following after her.

"What happened?" I asked.
"Guess who works at the hot wings place in the mall?" She asked.

"Who?" Everyone else asked.

Mynce scratched the back of her head. "Umm... who the hell is that?"
"Just watch this video on my phone," she said before I could answer Mynce's question.

Video? I asked myself. What the fuck is going on?

She pulled out her phone and sat on the couch between me in Mynce. Laurent and Kira watched from behind us.

You could tell they were in the janitor's supply room in the back of the store because of the cleaning products.

Rayne and Laray were fighting.

Rayne threw punches at her and ducked under one lousy punch Laray threw, then started going back at her face again. Laray backed up with every punch-you could tell they "confused" her-and when she backed up in the corner, Rayne reached up for her hair, and swung her onto the ground. You could hear Kira's remarks in the background.

Rayne pulled out a folding chair and put her wrists in between the chair's legs while it was folded, and lightly stepped on it. She groaned in pain.

"My mom. Talk." She looked at her with angry eyes. Laray tried to stall with a bloody nose, but Rayne simply didn't care. She stepped on the stair's legs again. "You still want your hands?" She asked in a near yell. "You better tell me what you know."

"Your mom still works at the same brothel. On the weekends, she's there until 3AM. I don't know where she lives because we're not that close."

"What time is she there?"
"I don't know because I always show up after her. I show up at about 12."

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