Chapter 3

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Two weeks pass, and me and Mynce became cool. But not as cool as me and Jean. We been kicking it, and he's even skipped class to come in classes where there were substitutes.

Mynce-we kick it-but when Jean comes around, she goes quiet. One day, I saw pounds of makeup in her bookbag when she came to my locker. What does she look like without it? She speaks so softly, like at a whispering level. It's like she's scared of the world. I have her number and everything, and she's nice as hell. Whitney bullies her a lot, and I keep telling her, "Stop being too nice!" but she ain't wanna listen.

After all the stress of school, it's Friday again, and I'm relaxing at the twins' house with my baby sister. I had just got done reading Dr. Suess to her, and it's boring. I grabbed my guitar, and sang to her. My French accent-that I developed from the twins-come in handy with this French song.

"Derniere Danse" by Indila

Oh ma douce suffrance
Oh, my sweet suffering
Pourquoi s'acharner tu r'commence?
Why fight it since you'll start again?
Je ne suis qu'un être sans importance
I am only a being without importance
Sans lui je suis un peu "paro"
Without him, I am a bit paranoid
Je déambule seule dans le metro
I wonder around alone on the subway
Une dernière danse
A last dance
Pour oublier ma peine immense
To forget my immense pain
Je veux m'enfuir que tout recommence
I want to flee all that repeats
Oh ma douce souffrance...
Oh, my sweet suffering...
Je remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit
I moved the sky, the day, the night.
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie
I dance with the wind, the rain
Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel
A bit of love, a drop of honey
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse
And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai
And in the noise, I'm running and I'm...
Est-ce mon tour? Vient la
Is it my turn? Here comes the...
Dans tout Paris, Je m'abandonne
In all of Paris, I abandoned myself
Et je m'envole, vole, vole, vole, vole
And I fly, fly, fly, fly, fly
Que d'espérance...
That hope
Sur ce chemin en ton absence
On this path in thy absence
J'ai beau trimer, sans toi ma vie n'est qu'un décor qui brille, vide de sens
I have beautiful toil. Without thee, my life is only a decoration which shines-empty of meaning.

She smiles and starts trying to sing. It melts my heart. I love this girl.

I hear applause behind me, and I turn around. And, of course, it's Laurent.

"Laurent," I say evily, "Always making unexpected appearances."
"Who you singing about?" He asked me, changing the subject.
"My father."

He hugs me from behind while I'm sitting down, "I'm here for you, Best Friend," he rests his head on my shoulder, "Your father misses you just as much as you miss him. Be happy, he would've wanted you to be." I nod, not feeling thinking deeply into what he said, and stand up. With Larry feeling lazy, he can watch Rai for me. It was Friday, and I wanted to kick it with somebody.

I texted Whitney.

, aye wyd ?




, can i come ov ?

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