Chapter 9

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Laurent |

I heard the door open. I wonder who it is this time. I got up off the couch and went to go see who it was. I almost jumped. It was Larry... and Mynce.

"She's staying tonight." Larry said sensing my surprised appearance.
I nodded. "Wassup?" I said to her, and she nodded.

She's a quiet person.

I wondered if Larry was tryna get some, but I highly doubt he'd being a hoe to our house.

I hummed. "Larry, I gotta talk to you."
"Something important."

He nodded. "Let me get Mynce situated, I'll be back down."

Larry |

"Follow me," I told Mynce and started walking up the stairs. She walked behind me, and I let her to my bedroom.

"Here it is..." I held my door open for her. She scoped my room, taking in every decoration to how it smelt. She looked like a kid in a candy store. I guess she was amused. "I love your room," she said with a smile."

"Thanks," I smiled back.

Just like that, she turned shy and bit on her index finger. "Um... do you have a pencil... or pen?"

"Yeah," I answered looking over at my computer desk, "Look in the cup on my computer desk."

She nodded. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."

She sat her bag on my bed and unzipped it. She pulled a notebook then sat at my computer desk. She moved my laptop aside then chose a pencil from the cup, and started writing.

"Are you drawing?" I asked.
"No, writing."
"I like poetry, I like writing."
"So you want to be a poet?"
"No, a director."
"Oh, I see."

I left the door, cracking it behind me before walking downstairs. I found Lau on the couch.

"What did you need to tell me?" I asked.
"Cheyanne was here earlier and-"
"Why the hell was she here?" I almost yelled.
"Ion' even know bruh."
"How the hell do you not know!?"
"I ain't invite her over, she just randomly appeared here!"

I was so confused. I leave Larry for a couple hours, and the next thing you know, some strange bitch shows up at our house... randomly?

"I'm confused," I tightly grip the sides of my hair.

"Listen, she came to my house randomly, and I invited her in. Rayne came to get clothes and saw us, so I guess she started acting funny. After she left, I asked her how she found my house, and she said, 'Connections.' Long story short, she told me she liked me and she was trying to be like Rayne at homecoming to grasp my attention because she know how I feel about her. She said that someone told her where we live."

What the fuck? She barely know him, what is up with her?

"I don't know what to say..."

Truth was, I didn't. This random bitch came to our house, without our address, saying someone gave her our address and won't tell us who. Either she's lying-and actually stalked us-or someone we trust just broke our trust.

"Lau, that's yo bitch-"

"That's not my bitch!" He cut me off. I just gripped the bridge of my nose, and calmed down. I didn't know what to do or say, so I was pretty much... stuck. "Well, she's still more on your side, so... get rid of her."

"I can't do this alone!"
"What can we do?"
"I agree with Rayne, she's really cutting the fuck up."
"Cut her if she's cutting up."

Before he could reply, I left to go upstairs to hang with Mynce. Lowkey, this will be in the back of my mind, but I will still hang with Mynce regardless.

I opened my door, and she was still writing.

"You're still writing?" I asked her.
"Yes," she basically responded without looking up to me, "but if you wanna do something with me, I'll put this shit up."

"No," I said, "I was just amazed you were still writing."
"It's okay, I'm done anyway."

She closed her notebook and put my pencil back into the cup. She scooted back, pushed her chair in, and walked right pass me to her book bag. She sat her notebook down next to book bag, unzipped it, and put her notebook in there, then zipped it back up.

She sat down next to my bed and got on her phone. "What's going on?"
"Mm?" I asked sitting down next to her.
"You look worried."
"I'm really not," I lied.
"Mhmmm, you're not sure."
"I wasn't asking you."

For a girl who reads body language real well, I don't know how she doesn't know that I have feelings for her.

I shook my head and she hummed again; she knew she had caught me. "Mhmm, get to telling me."

"Long story short, this girl named Cheyanne found our house and we don't know how. The only thing she said was 'connections,' and we need to know who told her where our house is."

"Cheyanne?" She asked in a obvious matter. Due to her tone of voice, I got suspicious. "Yeah..."

"Bruh, she got a history for stalking. I've been going to school with her forever; last year, she had a crush on this boy, and she stalked him to find his house."

So my suspicions are correct-she did stalk us, or maybe just Laurent, but still.

"So she could have stalked Lau."
"She likes Laurent?"
"A lot."
"I see."

I rubbed my chin and sat next to her on the bed. Those 2 months he's known her, and this... I knew she was weird.

"I know you can dance," she says to me.
"Yeah, why?"
"I wanna dance."
"You ain't ready for my level," I teased her with a playful smile.
"Shut up," she pushed my shoulder. "I know I ain't!"

She got up and turned on the Dlo Shuffle. This is honestly my favorite popular dance.

"I'm bouta fuck it up on you!" She said getting up and standing in front of me.
"Is that right?" I said running my tongue across the inside of my bottom lip. I looked down at her shoes, then up at her.

I got up and stood next to her, and we danced until she song was over. This girl's energy is amazing, and I love that about her. I guess she wasn't shy
anymore, she was opening up... slowly.

Then she played a song I didn't know. It wasn't in English-or French-either. It had a happy beat to it.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked confused.
"This is 'Calabria Mix,' but only people like me know it." She giggled.
"What language is it?"

She giggled at my surprise. "This is broken english combined with Jamaican creole. On top of that, the artist is Danish." I nodded. It made me think about Mynce's accent; she sounds like Sofia Vegara, and she's just as goofy as her too.

The music stopped, making Mynce check her phone. "It's Rayne," she said sliding the phone over. "Speak," she answered the phone.

"Bitch, didn't I tell you to stop answering the phone like that?" I heard Rayne's loud voice.

Mynce laughed. "Bitch, what you want?"
"I'll be home in a month for Thanksgiving break."
Mynce smiled. "Don't lie me, bitch!"
"I'm not. My bosses are giving me the break off."
"'Cause they've got new workers at the hospital, so they'll be home more."

I could tell that Rayne and Mynce's bond is expanding greatly. They're damn near sister's now! I love seeing them together, but is it weird that I also want to see me and... Mynce... together?

I want to make her my girlfriend but I don't know how.

I just don't know how...

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