Chapter 7

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I stepped out of the car and closed the door with confidence. I have no shame in my game: I look pretty, my shape nice, I got the hands, and I'll take these heels off if needed.

If I see Whitney, I will take these heels off. I haven't seen her since she did that skept shit, but she's been around... so I've heard. Call me messy for fighting at my first homecoming if you want to, but that bitch betrayed me big time.

After a while of waiting in line to go through the medal detector, we give our tickets to the administrators and head torwards the gym.

Me and Lau walked arm and arm. He was my date tonight sense I didn't have one. We heard cat calls, and "friendship goals" being yelled from people. Some even said we should date.

Larry was walking alone, of course.

When we got to the gymnasium, "Wishy Washy" by Migos was playing. Everyone was bumping. Clothes were lighting up depending on color, squads were standing around, people were dancing and rapping along. It was turnt up forreal.

Upon arrival, we looked around. "What's the move?" Laurent asked looking down at me. Just then, Ephemera spotted me and walked as fast as she could in heels over to us. "That's the move," I looked at Laurent letting him know that we was about to see what was up with Ephemera.

Ephemera's a bad bitch! She loves wearing dark colors, mainly black, but she ain't goth. Her hair's long and black, and her eyeliner be on fleek. This bitch looks like a black hole outside out school, but it's the kinda hole you ain't gotta be sucked into, you'll just walk into. She been down with me since I was a little ass kid.

"Look at my babies!" she said happily as she walked over to us. "Y'all look so cute," she gave us all friendly kisses on the cheek.

I looked her up and down. She had on a baby blue, basic body con dress with nude heels. Her hair was straightened to perfection, like always.

"You look cute too," I smiled at her.

She smiled. "Thank you, boo. But-" She pulled my arm and lead me away from the twins-"I gotta get you hipped on some shit that happened before you showed up."

She lead me to an isolated table with the twins following behind us. We occupied the chairs.

"Guess what that bitch Tanya had the nerve to do?" She asked me, titling her head to the side. I chuckled a bit knowing their beef. "What?" me and the twins replied in unison.

"Ya know how me and Orlando are friends, right?" We nodded. Orlando is Tanya's boyfriend. "Well, I was talking to him, and... why Tanya gon' come up to us while he was talking and say, 'This is my man. Can you go get your own?'"

I believed her with no doubt in my mind. Tanya thinks everybody wants her man. She better not come at me though because, then, I will take her nigga.

"Why she do that?" Larry asked.
"I don't know!" She raised her voice. "But she better be lucky it's homecoming, and I ain't no messy bitch."

"She thinks everyone wants that nigga," I rolled my eyes.
"Right! I'm not about to argue with no female over a nigga, I'm a lesbian dude."
"Right," I said remembering that she only likes females.

Larry |

I sat and conversed with them, turnt up. I don't know when we're gonna hit the dance floor though.

We were cracking up at bitches' homecoming dresses, and the attitudes they would throw when they weren't allowed in, saying shit like, "That's lame as fuck," or, "They on some bullshit."

Let me have a wise moment and say that it's their fault they didn't get in; don't blame the teachers, they're just doing their jobs. Everyday on the PA in the mornings upcoming HC, we've went over the dress code and have been warned that violations of the dress code will result in denied access to the dance, but yet, bitches still chose to wear hot ass dresses. So they on some bullshit just because you didn't listen? I think not. They only want to have an innocent looking dance, not a bunch of strippers walking around.

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