Of The Imagination

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She wears this crown
Upon her head
Each curl sprang
Into a golden lock
At which she wraps
Protecting it before
She lies down to sleep

She is a goddess
A beautiful force
To be reckoned with
She has this fire
Burning in a furnace
That is her soul

I would be lucky
To be engulfed in it - by it
If ever anyone
Tried to extinguish it
I'd pray to my god
That I have all his
Mighty power to strike them down

I am your keeper
A friend to a friend
A sister
A lover

I am your keeper
Dear Goddess...
I am grateful
To be blessed
With your presence

A gift
Only a god like mine
Could give


A gift
Only a god like mine
Could give

You are a GODDESS
A womanly figure
That drops my jaw
When you strut pass

Your fire
Could fuel 
All major cities
In a power outage

You are a strong
Black woman
In a time
We need it the most

You are a figure
At which women
From several generations
From now
Will remember

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