S/O To First Loves

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You can't fake
On your first love
You know that person
That you discovered life with
The first person
You brought home to your parents
The one
Who made you view
Life differently
Who was the center
Of your happiness
You can't fake
On your first love
The one who broke your walls down
The one who picked you up
And brought you back to safety
When you were nearing destruction
That person who could do no wrong
That same person who breathed life into you
Was the same person
Who knocked you down
Shattering your heart into Infinity pieces
That same love
Is the reason you can't love the same
The reason why every time
A nigga spit game
You spat it right back
The reason why
You proceed with caution
All the lies and deception
Causing you to tip toe around niggas
Always wondering
Is he gon be the same
Is he gon do me wrong
Treat me like I ain't shit
Memories of the good times
Flood your head
Before he started lying
Before you started crying
When he used to make you laugh
The reason why
When you smile your dimples became so deep
The emotional connection was there
Somewhere along the way
He just stopped caring
You began to checkout
Trying to figure out
Where the love was
You used to be irreplaceable
Now every other day its a new *itch
You a used *itch
He sucked you up
Until you were dry
And you let him
All because he was your first love
You can't fake
On your first love
He dropped the facade
Showimg you who he really was
You kept ahold
Trying to change him
Rearrange him
Make him back into the lies
Way to many times
You've cried
Way to many times
He's lied
Yet you'll always love him
Secretly despising how naive you once were
But if it wasn't for
Your first love
You would never know
What you really deserve
You would've never known
How to find your voice
You would've never knew
Who you truly are
So this is a s/o
To all the ex's/ first loves
Who has done them wrong
Shattering their hearts
Into infinity pieces
You'll never know what you had
Until its no longer yours
You'll look at her in awe
Envying the person she's currently with
Lusting for her
Wishing he'll slip up
Praying for a chance
You'll never receive
Take a good look
Because once upon a time
That was your first love

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