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I am not broken
Because I want your love
And you say you no longer
Possess the intimacy
Or tenderness
You once had
I am broken
Because I want your love
And know its no longer
What I need
Your love is holding me back
From all the things
I know I am capable of
It's like a safety net with a hole in it
Basically no longer functional
I am not broken
Because I still crave your love
Because me being honest
Your love is replaceable
I am broken
Because it's no longer useful
The words that come out
Of your parted lips
Don't faze me
I am broken
Because the love I want
Cease to exist
I was once confident
In what we had
But now
I am unsure
It isn't punishment to not speak
In fact clarity
Comes when your mouth
Is pondering
But I ponder
How often
Do I cross your mind?
Making you want to
Revisit our old conversations
Or replay our last interaction?
I am not broken because of you
I am broken
Because I choose to rebuild myself
Making myself stronger than before
No safety net needed
To catch my when I fall
I know eventually
It'll become broken
To prevent from falling through
I'll alleviate having to
Pick myself up in the near future

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