Infectious Affections

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He was in love with her beauty
Addicted to her assets
She craved the attention
And loved that he was attractive
A weak foundation
Built on looks and deception
Black was her favorite color
Until she looked into his eye
The light fell
And the darkness began to rise
All was well
Until it wasn't
Little did she know his intentions
The replies came slower
The laughter ceased to exist
All feeling within vanished
She was in love with a man
She barley knew anything about
Depression hit
He sucked the life right out of her
She knew
Right then and there
She messed up
Showing and giving him
The best side of her
The accusations begin to come
And heavy they were
She was all worn out and hurt
She started asking questions
She needed his reassurance
She needed to know they were real
She cared way to much
And he was scared
Scared she'd see right through him
So he started belittling her
He knew if he took everything away
She'd cling to him
And right then and there
We knew
That was that
And it was the end of her
He begin to beat her
And fixed it with a simple I love you
Words began to mean nothing
She jumped every time
A hand was raised around her
She was scared of him
He was no longer the man she thought
A plan started to form
But by then it was way to late
He planned that night
That he'd have her killed
While she was in the shower
He grabbed the gun
Put it to the back if her head
A tear fell
Because it was the end
He whispered
"Baby I love you
You've become a burden
You don't keep up with yourself
You just can't please me"
She let out a Amen
The prayer was her last words
She closed her eyes
And god took her

~Darryelle A. Wilkerson
                                Mon, 6/15/15 6:09 pm

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