My other half

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When attraction
Is always a fraction
Of your problems
And defiantly
Widen the horizon
The other people
Viewing your transformation
Making it harder
To live as a human
Who cares about looks
Or color
I don't
I know its what's on the inside
That counts
The most
Now if love isn't an option
Your shit out of luck
I guess that's when a pet
Comes in handy
The lonely nights
Up staring at the pitch black ceiling
Feeling bad
Down even
Can't cover up the sadness
Not even the pain your feeling
Take scissors
Unscrew the blade of your sharpener
Pissed that no one
Is willing to accept
Or protect you
Take and roll up your sleeve
Cutting so deep
The demons within
Are released
A calm comes over you
As you lift up to start another
Marking humiliation
That's taken place
Each cut
Something that happened
Or a feeling you weren't able to express
This feels even better than death
No one could possibly understand
Then you meet
She's been through hell
Lives in a shelter
Father just raped and
Took advantage of her and her sister
She's been planning to run away
Then one day she slips up
And forgets her sweater
Cuts all the way up her arms
Words carved
Into her paper thin skin
She explains
Its me
I'm unhappy
No one even cares
The love I had
Has vanished into thin air
I'm all alone I have no one to talk to
I rather die then feel like this
Emotion overwhelmes you
Tears began to fall
You kiss her
And from then on
Y'all become each others protector
If it wasnt meant to be with the person before
Whose to say
That you'll never find love
Take a second to wait
And allow
The Love to find you

~Dariii Wilkerson 12:03am Sunday August 2nd, 2015

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