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I say I love you
"I mean this with all my heart"
I know I say it often
I just want to reassure you
Make it known; clear what I feel

Because in the past I didn't
So I lost that person
I've learned from that
I'm all about growth
So instead of dwelling
I change to make sure the next is secure

I wonder if you know what I mean?
If you understand what I'm saying
When i say I love you
Because I do love you

I mean you're one of a kind
You can love someone and not be in love
But I got that...
I got that love in both ways

My mother used to be my home
But when I find home
I look for it in you
You're safe in my arms

Trust me,
Do you trust me?
My mind says you're no good for me
I just can't avert

This was everything I've been asking god for
I'm just praying
You're not another lesson
If so I wouldn't be able to take it

Your laugh rings in my ears
Those memories replay in my mind
Your mouth opens the slightest
You toss your head back
Clench your chest gasping for air

That's laughter

Ahaaaa haaaha
My fingers
Attacking your side
Your my queen

There's something about the way
Your smile
It lights up a room
And your laugh
Chills my soul

I'm sorry I'm demanding
I see a great future
With the loml
I wonder what goes through your mind
When you see us

I wonder what you hear,
Worry about...

I say I love you
I get the since
It's all a bit to much for you
I'm searching for an answer

But I'll settle for a mediocre answer
Cause it you

Just know none of it matters if you lie
It feels like you have
Not sure if you're lying now
But you could lie later

You love me now, but didn't
When it was first said it...
It was the morning after Myers
I was angry

You were acting different
But you wanted it
I was confused, Like damn
The emotion written hard
Across your face

I didn't want to hear it
Unless you meant it
You waited a month n nineteen days
To lie

You don't have to apologize
I'll accept it
Before you can even say anything
Because I love you

Though it hurt
I won't hold it against you
Shit happens
You live and learn

We've all lied
In one way or another

This hill
Whatever you want to call it
Won't stop the growth

I'll just be more cautious
In giving my soul
We don't have problems
So I won't create them
Where none exist

I'm just hurt a little
Because out of
(And many more... Not in that order)
It was you I stoped and gave my all to

I lie in your bed
Tossing n turning whilst you off at drill
I can't get those words I read
Out of my head

It wasn't even a full poem
But my mind keeps jumping
All the what ifs
Are drowning me

I feel like the words I uttered
Didn't mean a damn thing
Eyes on the prize

But this prize is you
How do I build with you
How do I spill all my secrets
Tell you everything
As if it was moments ago

You were the one
You gave me hope
No love lost

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