No more us

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I'm guessing
It's time to get over you
I'm going to bury this feeling
Like dogs bury bones

I don't know how you feel
Not that I am even, really
Ready to know

It's one of the hardest things

It's funny how this
Love thing goes

I fought myself
The last five months
Of us being together
Now look at me

Fighting to keep us together

Who could've known
My feelings ran this deep
If it's space you need
I'll give you that

I'll disappear
Into the thick of the air
Poof I'm gone
It's magic

I'm guessing
It's time to get over you
I'm going to bury this feeling
Furrowing it deep

Deep into the back
The very back of my mind
I'll torch the key
Then dump the ashes

This deep-seated feeling
Gurgles up
... I know
One day I'll see you

N when I do
You won't see me
You'll look through me


N when you do
I'll crumble
Because that look
Used to turn my Gray skies

Then I'll know
How it feels
To have it POUR


Thunder clapping
N see the Lightening striking
This cloud begins to loom
Over my head

You'll soon be dreaming
Of someone else
Pining over you alls firsts
In awe

With how they sleep
Dreaming of their touch
Eager to hear about their day
All in lust


I'll scream n shout for you
The way you did me
N you'll be gone
Too busy loving someone

I'm guessing
It's time to get over you
I'm going to bury this feeling
Like dogs bury bones

I won't detest
Especially when it comes to you
Isn't it clear
I'm still in love with you

It hurts to look at you
We barely talk
N I feel like you can't stand
To be around me

I can't tell if it's because
There's nothing left
To say
Or because it's so much

I apologized
As many times
As I possibly could
But I don't forgive myself

I don't doubt you
For walking away
Anyone with a brain
N two eyes

Could've seen that coming

I see you leaving
The thought of me behind
At first... It was
"Just let me clear my mind"

It's clear you're angered
You have every right to be
I know, I know
I wasted your time

Hear me out
I was hurt, weak
N thought you didn't really
Fuck with me

I figured if I tell you
What's going through my head
You'd tell me the same thing
Be up front

Give me love then
We'd just be
But here I am
At my 9-10

Screaming fuck love
It sucks
My chest hurt
N I can't eat

I know I gotta let you go
But how do I do so?
Simple things set me off

Your scent ,
N' shoes

Being left in the middle of the floor
I miss you
But I won't say it
Because yesterday was
The last day I'll ever look at you that way

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