Life's Decisions

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Life or Death?
You choose
Sometimes to ease my mind
I'll sit in the dark
Room is mad pitch black
Just pondering...
Pondering my life's decisions
Or whether life is better
Or the Alternative
Meaning death
Because anything
And yes, I do mean anything
Is better than reliving
The horror
That haunts you in your dreams
Indeed it'd be a sweet revenge
To just breath
Life being heavy on your chest
Your decisions weighing you down
Flashes... Flashing
And again the terror will start
Visions that you'll wish
Were blurred
It's you seeing it all
Start to end
It being your whole life
The reasons your you
Analyzing you as a person
Why your angry
Who is you?!
As a uneducated person would say
Well I am someone
Who is sick
Sick of being fucked
But secretly someone
Who fucks herself to keep from being fucked
Some would say
Hot tempered,
She constantly second guessing
Causing her to trip
Trip over every action made
Is she caring?
The type of person
Who'd give el poco dinero she has
But in the same light
You'll see the dark
Shadowing over her corazón
Causing her heart to beat lento
Emocionatmente inestable
Piecing and constantly unpiecing
Hoping it can be fixed
Once she puts it all back together
Meaning her life
Because she's unprepared for death
Impulsively playing
The impulsive game
Do now
Think later...
Is the dark slowly drowning her?
Is she swimming to the light?
Is she ever going to make it?
Avoiding the dark
Many times she drifts off
Death fluttering her eyelashes
Swishing her hips
And flexing his muscles
Staring straight into her soul
Regrets will kill
She thinks aloud
Your a fucking liar
Fucking hate you
You fucking bitch
Stop fucking my life up
18 being what
Some magic double numbers
Swear it feels like
I'm bending my life over
Fucking it in the ass
Every chance I get
Self sabotage
Starting to regret these decisions
Adding on to the reasons
She can't sleep
Yet the question remain
Life or death?
Sink or swim?
Walk or run?
Open or close?
Your faced
With what we call

Built From My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang