just a friend

40 5 4

I miss the sweet taste of your lips
The way you play with my hair
The smile;
You plaster on my face
Your infectious laugh
Not to mention
Those long nights
Full of conversation
Those deep talks
I ache for
I miss laying my head
Apon your chest
Those arguments
We'd lay to rest
Tangling with each other
Between the sheets
The mind games
The sweet talk
The hand holdings
The lovey dovey
Moments I lived for
But I can't get them back
No matter how much
I wish for em
Their long gone
Now I'm floating in the wind
Upon our first kiss
Replaying conversations
Through and through
I'd never met anyone
Like you
Your special
So friendly
The opposite off what I'm used too
And so willing
Your stomach
my pillow
Your legs
my blanket
Your arms
My safety net
There to catch me when I fall
Those eyes
My weakness
Your scent
I still smell whenever
I think of you
Phone calls
Late at night
FT chats
I miss that
Our friendship
The love still there
And hurt
But no matter
Where we reside
In my heart
You'll always be mine

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