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The way I look at you makes me happy
I can never tell you how I feel
Because I get scared that you will regret it
Now that you've told me how you feel
I started to tear up because I feel the same way I can't help but say I fell in love with you
I've been wanting to be with you ever since I met you
I love that you kiss me good morning and hug me good bye
I feel safe
I still can't put it into words how I love you so much
I don't want space I want to be with you
Every time I think about you I smile and I can't sleep without you

These words write out these feelings
I can't explain
She cry's these tears
That hurt my soul

I committed myself to the wrong person
Blindsided by emotions
I walk away leaving a trail of broken hearts
Behind me
If only I could find words to tell her
These emotions of hatred
I'm harboring

I'm so fucked up
I'm scared I'll just hurt her
More than I already have

So I pretend to not give a fuck
As I melt into myself
I'm a heartless bastard
Trying to mend something
She knows not is broken

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