Read Me

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I think we've known
For about a month
Or more
Sad part about it is
I never would've expected us
To end the way we did
It was like we were great till we just weren't
I had "growing up to do"
I would rather ignore the situation
Then deal with the hurt
That loving you caused
Emotionless always felt so much better
Because showing you I was weak
Wasn't written in the stars
I wish I could take the fights back
And actually fight back
Because at least you'd know how I'd felt
Now... it's too late
I hate the thought of someone else
Kissing my lips
But I won't keep you from happiness
I'd rather you love someone else
Then to be unhappy and in love with me
No one is worth
Compromising your own happiness
And no one should be the source of that
So this isn't goodbye
But hello to the next chapter in your life
While I'm stuck here still reading mine 

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