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You will never really truly understand
How deeply you love someone
Until their gone
Then your heart aches for them
And an empty space is left
As is they were never there to began with
Your name is left
On the tip of my tongue
Like the last drop of juice
Daryl Antjaun Walker
My brother
One of the only men I have ever looked up too
A father
A role model
A cousin
A lover
My BestFriend
I miss you
Words can't describe
The feelings I get knowing everyday
You're no longer here
I'm used to being able to pickup and call you
Hear your laugh
See your smile
Feel your warmth
Who would've known
That with so much life left to live
You'd be gone
This month has truly been hell
June third
Facebook told me my BestFriend died
My BestFriend
My twin
My ride or die
My brother
I looked into my mothers eyes
And begged and pleaded
Praying to god
That this was a lie
As tears hit her reddened face
I feeling of coldness hit me
I was hurt so bad I dropped to my knees
I loved that boy more than I loved myself
He calmed me when all I saw was anger
He eased my pain
He made me stronger
Gave me hope
A black man
Who had all the odds stacked against him
Every bone in his body
Was made like his father
He looked like him
Acted like him
But god gave him
The one thing he never gave his father
The biggest heart
My brother was resilient
Kind/ kind hearted
A fighter
A savage
I remember late night
Conversations on the phone
Running threw my mothers house fighting
He'd say square up
Then we'd fight
He would come through the door
And I'd tackle him
His goofy ass
A king
Someone no one can replace
My brother

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