Water Park (part 1)

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Light peered through the curtains of the Wanderers inns, they had all already been awake for hours now trying to decide on an activity to do that day.. and so far, every idea they had either got vetoed immediately.. or vetoed later on still.

Shiori laid next to Genki on his bed, resting her head on his shoulder, "Okay okay." She waved her hands to get everyone's attention, "what if we... visited Mercurius?" She offered, immediately getting groans from almost everyone who did not think her idea was any good.

"So that's a no." Genki laughed, "we've gone through every idea. Twice." He reminded the teams, "we've got to agree on something before the day is over." He told them as he glanced at the clock. It was already almost noon, so once they did decide they'd only have a few hours to do their activity.

Rikona thought for a second as she twirled her dark hair in her fingers, "there's that old water park in Crocus.. we could do that?" She offered, which wasn't immediately retaliated with groans of disgust from everyone.

"That sounds like a cool idea, and not totally lame." Hajime said, "plus, seeing girls in swimsuits? Total score." He smiled, earning some glares from the others but mainly laughs from the group.

"Sounds like a plan then." Takiyo crossed his arms and stood up, "everyone can go get ready. Meet back up here in thirty minutes." He ordered, everyone was half tempted to go 'aye aye captain' but decided against it, they all stood up and dispersed so they could go get ready.

Thirty minutes later they all met back up with towels, goggles, and other things to use at a water park.

"You all ready?" Raidon asked, not really waiting for an answer before he began to walk out the door to the streets below, "this is gonna be so fun. Especially seeing people in swimsuits, like Hajime said." He smirked, fist bumping Hajime as they began to walk towards the water park. Getting obvious stares and looks from passerby's who were obviously not used to seeing a group of teens in swimsuits.

Kawa walked as she shot low glares at the boys who looked at them a little too long, "I just hope it is not too crowded, and that no other guilds are there." She said, instantly shuddering at the thought of anyone from Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, and Crime Sorcière seeing her in a swimsuit, or any of her friends. Their dignity would be ruined.

"Well, we're about to see." Taro said, Kawa was so lost in thought that she didn't even see they were now standing in front of the water park. The teams could hear laughter and screams coming from inside the building, so it seemed to be pretty promising.

They opened the doors and looked around, seeing lots of pools, water slides, places to relax.. it was a pretty nice water park to say the least. Plus it didn't seem to have that many visitors today, which was a major plus for Kawa.

"Epic! It's practically empty!" Yuki fist pumped the air as the group walked further in to get seats. They found a group of lawn chairs and set their stuff down, quickly shooing off anybody who tried to take one of their seats.

Mamoru looked around, "Plus there are no other guilds he-" he stopped suddenly, a large groan escaped his mouth as the others looked at him confused before he pointed to the doors, "Mermaid Heel, Crime Sorcière, and Blue Pegasus ALL just walked in." He told them, the Night Wanderers heads all shot towards the door in horror, especially Kawa who immediately went and hid behind her brother Yuki.

"Don't worry guys." Genki said to comfort the Night Wanderers, "it may not seem like it, but those guilds are actually pretty cool once you get to know them." He reassured that as he waved to the three guilds and beckoned them over, the Night Wanderers immediately figured out who the stupidest mage at Fairy Tail was.

"Genki, you seem to forget that our parents almost killed theirs." Amaterasu said sweetly, but her sweet demeanor just hid ill intent as she smiled coldly at the approaching guilds, "not to mention we just fought and beat all of them at the games yesterday." She added, trying make Genki realize his mistake, but he was either too dumb or just plain oblivious to realize what he'd done seeing as he greeted the guilds warmly once they walked over.

Noboru waved politely at the Fairies before glaring at the Night Wanderers, "Hey fairies. Night wanderers." He said lowly, "Didn't expect to see you guys here, all buddy-buddy." He said with ill meaning behind his words as clear as day.

Kawa took a step forward towards Noboru, "Is it such a surprise that us Night Wanderers have friends?" She asked with her arms crossed, "cause I think it's more of a surprise that you have friends, Noboru." She hissed, her guild mates tried to hide their laughter as Noboru felt his ears redden in embarrassment.

"How about we all calm down before things get out of hand, okay?" Shin offered as he stepped between his brother and Kawa, almost getting suffocated by the tension between the two, "the water park is big enough for all of us. Let's not cause a scene, shall we?" He asked looking directly at the Fairies and Wanderers, trying to be more polite but obviously just as snarky as his brother Noboru.

"Sounds like a good idea, I'll be off then." Kawa said and turned quickly before walking to the nearest water slide, her guilds mates watched her go before dispersing themselves amongst the water park as well.

Noboru bit his bottom lip as he watched Kawa go, "I'll be following little miss ice mage around if you need me." He winked as he rushed off leaving the others behind, practically in his dust, his guild simply rolling their eyes at his usual antics.

"Well, this is gonna be exciting." Shin groaned.

He had no idea.

Fun at the water park! But how long till the fun goes away? What's going to go down at the water park? And why is Noboru so annoying?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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