The Date (Part 1)

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It was the end of day two of the Grand Magic Games, Hibiki has won the event of the day due to many female, and even some male, mages voting for him. And during the battles Juvia had fought Eve, needless to say Juvia won that battle, earning another ten points for her team. The contestants all made their way back to their inn, some more happily than others.

"You aren't really going on a date with Hibiki? Are you?" Yukino asked Lucy, she had gotten a love sick expression on her face ever since the event earlier in the day, her expression caused Levy, Juvia, and Erza to roll their eyes at her.

"Why wouldn't I?" Lucy asked dreamily, "I haven't gone on a date in so long.." she sighed, the four other mages exchanged worried looks with one another.

"But the last time you like someone.." Juvia began, Lucy looked away from her, angry and annoyed she would even bring that up.

"Hibiki isn't like them." Lucy told them, "he's nice.. and sweet.. and charming.." she sighed wistfully at the thought of going on a date with Hibiki Lates. The others looked very concerned for her mental health.

"He's also in Blue Pegasus." Levy reminded her, "what if you two end up working out? Which guild would you choose?" Levy asked her, Lucy stopped to think about this for a moment, Blue Pegasus was very important to Hibiki, but so was Sabertooth to her. If things did really work out then they'd have to decided, but that was for later.

"Obviously Sabertooth." She lied to them, the girls smiled at her, but that just made Lucy feel even more guilty for lying. The girls walked in silence as they approached their inn, they saw the silhouette of a man standing in front of the building. Yukino, Levy, Juvia, and Erza got into a stance ready to fight, while Lucy just smiled and walked towards the figure.

"Hibiki!" She called out, the silhouette turned to face her and his smile practically lit up the area. Lucy walked over to him, and Hibiki being Hibiki put his arm around her and pulled her close to him, their faces only inches apart. Lucy felt her face get redder and redder, the noses practically touching.

Juvia intervened, she pushed the two lovebirds away from each other as she stood between them.

"Don't go getting any ideas, lover boy." Juvia said sternly, her aura almost made Hibiki back down, but he didn't, instead he smirked at her and simply shrugged.

"It hurts you would think so little of me, Juvia." He said, Juvia's eyes went wide she moved towards him but Lucy stopped her.

"It's okay Juvia!" She said trying to calm her friend down, Levy, Erza, and Yukino simply watched from the side as Lucy's date was about to get pummeled.

"A little help here, Erza?" Hibiki called out, this caused Erza to have the same reaction as Juvia and try to pummel the mage, Lucy now had to hold back two angry mages.

"Levy you're my only hope now.." Hibiki said, Levy was more mature than the others when she wanted to be. But right now she definitely didn't care wether she was being mature or not.

"Hibiki stop using their real names!" Lucy cried holding all three of them back as Yukino died of laughter from the sidelines, Lucy shot a quick glare at her.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." He said as sincere as he could be, the mages calmed down a little but were now put on edge, if he knew who they were there was a chance he would tell others. And then their secret would be exposed.

"You know we don't approve of you going on a date, right?" Erza said, Hibiki frowned but nodded, "if you hurt her in any way we will hunt you down and-."

"He gets it Erza! Jeez," Lucy grabbed his hand and lead him away from the other Elementals, but he could still feel their disapproving looks burning into the back of his head, "they worry too much honestly." She sighed.

Hibiki smiled at the mage, he held her hand back before walking next to each other, "so where would you like to go?" He asked her, he couldn't quite tell but he was pretty sure her face was red.

"I just thought we could explore Crocus together.." Lucy suggested, sure the date sounded boring but they'd probably find lots of fun things to do while exploring the area, and maybe find some things for a second date?

"Sounds enjoyable." He smiled, Lucy was happy he agreed, but her expression soon turned sour when she sensed a presence up ahead, she looked and saw Natsu and Lisanna. Perhaps they were on a date too?

"How about we walk the other way?" Lucy suggested trying to turn around, but it was too late. Natsu and Lisanna had spotted them.

"Yo Hibiki!" Natsu called out, Hibiki waved at the salmon haired mage while Lucy tensed up next to him. Natsu and Lisanna walked over to talk to them, while Lucy wished she could just disappear.

"Is that another one of your admirers, Hibiki?" Lisanna asked as she noticed Lucy beside him, Hibiki laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"I hope so, cause we are on a date right now." Hibiki told her, Lisanna found this cute, while Natsu scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Wow, real pathetic girl," Natsu told her, "Is your magic power so weak you really have to hang out with a guy like him?" He asked her. Lisanna elbowed Natsu to get him to shut up, but he didn't quite take the hint.

"Natsu I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking about her like that." Hibiki said with a dangerous tone in his voice, Natsu arched an eyebrow at him and smirked.

"Or what? What're you gonna do?" He said, he was practically asking for a fight.

"Please.. just stop.." Lucy told them, Hibiki looked at her before backing down, but Natsu stood his ground.

"You're not strong at all, little miss Atmós." He sneered at her, "you're just as weak as the rest of your friends."

A force pushed Natsu backwards, he slammed into a wall, Lucy looked confused as to who had done it, but turned to see Hibiki with his hands out.

"I said stop." He spat. Hibiki had a dangerous aura around him, and both Lisanna and Lucy looked nervous as to what he would do..

Yay! Let's go Hibiki! Team Hibiki x Lucy for the win.

Hibiki has got some courage standing up to Natsu like that, but can he keep it up? Find out in the next part!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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