Guild Marks

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"Do you think... you think our teachers want us to join Sabertooth?" Lucy asked concerned, the last time she had seen Sabertooth was five years ago during the Grand Magic Games, last she knew Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were on good terms.. would they really accept them?

"I think so.. they are a very powerful guild after all, getting jobs would be easy." Erza said, she stared at the guild hall, it had been a long time since she last stepped foot in one. It almost made her nervous to do so.

"Well then... let's go in." Levy said hesitantly, she scratched the back of her neck before walking up to the door, she tried to push it open quietly but a loud squeak came from the door which got everyone's attention.

"Oi. Who are you lot?" Sting stood up, he eyed the four mages who entered his guild, "if you're looking for trouble then look somewhere else." He growled.

Levy breathed in quickly, something about the blond mage scared her, but she was done being scared of anyone or anything, so she stepped forward.

"I am the earth mage, Levy McGarden!" Levy announced, the guild looked at her in shock, Rufus spit out his drink, this was not the blue haired mage he remembered, and he had a great memory.

"I am the air mage, Lucy Heartfilia!" Lucy stepped next to Levy and gave her a reassuring smile, Rufus just about had a heart attack seeing her.

"I am the water mage, Juvia Lockser!" She stepped forward and looked around the guild, Rufus looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"I am the fire mage, Erza Scarlet!" She added finally, Rufus groaned.

"These are not the mages I remember.." he muttered holding his head in his hands, "did I remember them wrong..?" He questioned himself.

"We are the Elemental Mages." They said in sync, "our teachers have lead us here, we presume it is to join your guild. If you'll have us." They said and looked at the members of the guild.

"Are you strong?" Sting asked, he eyed them up and down, they looked like they could barely hold a twig much less fight someone.

"The strongest. We were trained by elementals themselves." Erza stated, the guild looked intrigued, even though they had no idea what this statement meant.

Rogue appeared behind them, "Aren't you mages of Fairy Tail though..? Why do you want to join our guild..?" He asked them. Their chests tightened when they heard the name 'Fairy Tail'. They quickly thought of their scars before pushing them to the back of their minds.

"We left them." Juvia said quickly, "They treated us horribly so we left." She told them, Sting raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked her, "Fairy Tail is the nicest guild around."

"She means exactly what she says. They abused us, horribly." Lucy said, she touched her hand before stiffening up, "Now can we join the guild or not?"

"Do you have any proof of them 'abusing' you?" Yukino asked, "I'm sorry it's just that—" she began but was cut off when the four mages showed them their scars.

'Helpless', 'weak', 'worthless', 'pathetic', the Sabertooth guild gasped in shock when they showed them, "these are what we meant by abuse."

"Of course you can join our guild!" Yukino cried, "that is if it's okay with Sting..?" She looked at him, he nodded his head much to Yukino's delight, "great! Where would you like your guildmarks?"

"Hm. Green on the naps of my neck please." Levy said, Yukino stamped her on the nape of her neck, Levy touched the guild mark gently.

"Blue on the side of my stomach please." Juvia said, Yukino happily stamped her and Juvia smiled when she felt the coolness of the stamp on the left side of her stomach.

"Red on my hip please." Erza told her, Yukino stamped her and Erza tensed up when she felt the stamp on her skin.

"White over my heart please." Lucy asked, she smiled as she watched the stamp place the Sabertooth guild mark on her.

"Can we get guildmarks as well?" Happy asked hopefully, Yukino smiled and nodded, "Alright! Blue on my back please!" He said excitedly, happy to once again wear a guild mark.

"Black on the side of my neck please." Pantherlily told her, she stamped him and he gently touched the guild mark, "brings back memories.." he mumbled, only loud enough for the ones around him to hear.

"So you guys must really dislike Fairy Tail now.. huh?" Yukino asked, Erza and Juvia looked down as Levy and Lucy nodded, "Well if you dislike them that much maybe you'd enjoy battling them in this year's Grand Magic Games? They're in three days." She told them.

"It would be a nice way to beat them up discretely.." Juvia whispered, "we could knock some sense into them.."

"That's a great idea! Thanks Yukino!" Lucy smiled, Yukino smiled back.

"But wait. We need five people on our GMG team.." Levy pointed out, the girls thought for a moment before looking at Yukino.

"W-What?" She looked at them confused, "you don't mean.. me?" She asked them, they nodded enthusiastically.

"You could be the fifth elemental." Juvia laughed and the others laughed as well, "the space elemental!" She giggled.

"Not a bad ring to it." Yukino laughed, "Okay! I'm in! Sabertooth team B!" She said excitedly.

"Wait.. team B? Is another team going to participate?" Erza asked, she didn't see the need or reason for another team to participate when they were, they could and would win very easily.

"Well Rogue and Sting love competing, so of course they'll participate." Yukino told them, "which calls for a whole another team in itself. So yeah, we're team B." She shrugged.

"That 'B' stands for best!" Happy told them, "since you're obviously the most superior Sabertooth team!" He smiled a toothy smile that reminded the former Fairies a lot of Natsu's toothy grin.

"I agree, there is nothing you ladies can't do." Pantherlily grinned, his expression reminded them a lot of Gajeel.

"Aw thanks you two, you're the best!" Levy smiled and hugged Pantherlily and Happy, Lucy, Erza, and Juvia joined in on the hug.

"Alright! Team B it is!" Erza said, she stuck her hand out, "Let's go team B!" She said, the exceeds and elementals put their hands in, they looked at Yukino expectantly. She smiled before putting her hand into the group.

"Let's go team B!" They yelled in sync. Getting many strange looks from the guild members, but they didn't care.

The GMG are coming up! Time to get excited! But will the four Elementals get their revenge sooner than they expected? Find out in the next part!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned peeps!

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