Story Time

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It was day two of the Grand Magic Games, the Sabers made their way to the arena and their balconies. The entire way their Levy and Sting talked about what seemed like nonsense to everyone else but made sense to them, when they parted ways to go to their balconies they looked almost sad. This amused everyone else.

"Does Gē have a soft spot for Sting?" Lucy asked standing beside her, Levy's face turned red as she denied it.

"No.. no we're friends.. that's it." She smiled, none of the others really bought this but they didn't ask further questions in fear of angering the Elemental. Levy may look sweet, but like she proved yesterday, she was also very strong.

"Oi, what's this?" Jellal spat looking over at the Elementals's balcony, "What happened to the white haired one?" He asked, the other Fairies overheard this and were equally confused when they realized Yukino was gone.

"She has a name you know." Erza spat at him, "Yukino wasn't feeling well so she'll be taking her place." Erza said, gesturing at Yukino, the Fairies looked her up and down, sizing her up.

"What's her name?" Cana asked, the Elementals hadn't thought this far ahead and when asked her name they were put on the spot it seemed.

"Err.. her name is.. is.." Juvia began, she couldn't think of anything, but luckily someone else did.

"Krýos, her name is Krýos." Sting told them, the other Sabers looked at him with gratitude in their eyes.

"Krýos huh? So your name is just as weird as the others huh?" Natsu said coldly, Lisanna elbowed him in the rib cage to get him to knock it off.

"Shush now pumpkins!" Mato sang, the competitors all looked at the pumpkin person, "it's time for the next game. Story time! Who can make up the best story on the spot! Everyone nominate one contestant from each team!"

"I'll go." Lucy said, the others had no argument, this seemed to be the perfect opportunity for more points. She jumped from her balcony, others followed, Jura, Hibiki, Lisanna, Cana, Minerva, Risley, and Warcry. They all met in the middle to determine who would be competing first.

"You're looking radiant this fine morning, miss Atmós." Hibiki smiled, he went and kissed her hand, Lucy rolled her eyes at him.

"Always such the flirt, Hibiki." She mused, Hibiki looked up at her with an arched eyebrow, Lucy then realized what she had said.

"I've never met you before yesterday Atmós.. that is unless we met perhaps when you were another person." He stepped closer to her, "I searched you up with my magic, there are no known records of you before only a few days prior to the GMG." He stepped back and winked at her, "I don't know who you are yet but I have an idea, either way it's good to see you again..." he walked off as Lucy was going to be the first one to compete, "...Lucy.." he said wistfully. Lucy didn't know whether to be amazed or annoyed that Hibiki knew who she was.

"First up is Sabertooth team B's Atmós! Take it away!" The pumpkin man said, he went to the side of the arena to watch, the members of Sabertooth all gave Lucy big thumbs up to support her, she even saw Makarov smile at her for a quick second.. and then she saw Hibiki's smile.. and for some reason it made her face turn bright red. But only for a second.

"Ahem.." Lucy started, she had a story in mind but she almost didn't feel write telling it, "Many years ago there were four girls, young, beautiful, and in love with four boys." She began, this beginning caused Levy, Erza, and Juvia to stiffen up, "they dreamt of days full of laughter and love with these boys, their best friends.. but sometimes friendships are betrayed." She said grimly.

"The boys were far different than what the girls thought they were, they were cruel and selfish, and only cared for power. Power that the girls could not help them achieve. So they hurt them." Lucy said flatly, "threw words at them that cut so deep that the wounds would never fully heal. And so the girls left, left their home, friends, and family in seek of people who would truly care for them." She smiled, "and they did find what they were looking for. They found people who wouldn't cut words into their skin, who didn't care for their power." She said seriously, some people in the stands were crying at her words.

"The girls were fairies.. but the boys cut off their wings.." she finished. Lucy had basically given them the biggest hint to who they were, but of course everyone was too dumb to realize the hint, most of them were crying over the story that seemed to real to be fiction. All except one person who stood at the edge of the arena with his eyes wide, Hibiki had realized her little hint. And his suspicions of who the girl and her friends were was correct.

"Wow what a great story!" Mato exclaimed, "let's hear it for Atmós!" The crowds and guilds alike cheered for, all except for the Fairies who looked at her with disdain in their eyes.

"Let's see if anyone can compete with that now! Next up is Hibiki Lates!" Mato announced, "do your best now!" Hibiki walked to the center of the arena.

"Many years ago I fell in love with a girl." He said, many of the girls in the crowd booed at his announcement, "she had blonde hair and warm brown eyes. And her hair was always up in a pony tail." He reminisced, the Fairies looked at him confused, after all they knew who he was talking about.

"But alas she disappeared one day, and later on I heard she had died. Been consumed by magic power so great she could not withstand it. But this girl was strong, and I knew it must've been a lie." He smiled fondly at his memory, "but alas it was not. There was a small funeral for her and her friends in Magnolia.. and I attended it as did quite a few members of Blue Pegasus. We owed the girl a debt." He told the crowds who looked at him intrigued.

"Perhaps if she were still here now I'd ask her to go on a date with me in this wonderful town of Crocus. I'd meet her at her inn after the games and we'd catch up.." he said and looked towards the Sabertooth balcony where a blushing air mage stood listening to his story, "that is if she accepted." He said wistfully, Lucy looked at him for a moment before a smile appeared on her lips, and a faint word, not audible but readable, played on her lips.


Dang could Hibiki make it any more obvious? Probably! Find out in the next part how their date goes, and if there will be a second!

Make sure to stay tuned to find out what happens next! Thanks for reading!

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