The Elite Split

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Levy and Juvia kept their attack focused at Makarov, while Erza and Lucy turned and attacked Zeref! Lyon and Sting moved in the way of their attack towards the Emperor and got knocked back into the wall, the two traitors stared in horror at Zeref, who wore nothing but a smirk upon his face. Lucy and Erza ignored this though as they turned and attacked Juvia and Levy, stopping them only moments before their attack would kill Makarov. Juvia and Levy stared at them, betrayed and in shock, with looks of hatred on their faces, hatred so deep and burning that Erza and Lucy took a few steps back.

"Well what do we have here?" Zeref cooed as his eyes held a deadly glint in them, he moved towards the traitors as they held their ground, "air empress, fire goddess? Explain yourselves." He sounded calm but his voice had a deadly edge in it, the two would have to have a good explanation for attacking their Emperor.

Erza inhaled sharply and stepped forward, "Zeref, this man is like my father.. I can not attack him.. and know his death is on my hands." She explained to him, before quickly glaring at Levy and Juvia, "unlike some people." She hissed, Juvia and Levy simply turned their heads.

"Zeref we will not stand behind you if you make us kill Makarov." Lucy told him, her serious tone made Zeref laugh, two mages against eleven of the Elite 13? They would go down no problem! Zeref snapped his fingers and instantly the eleven remaining Elite 13 surrounded them.

"You know what to do." Zeref cooed, the mages turned to attack Lucy and Erza, but some of them had other intentions. Minerva knocked Levy and Sting off their feet, Rufus blasted Juvia and Yukino into a wall, Happy's animals plowed Pantherlily to the ground, Orga rammed Rogue and Lyon to the ground, Lucy and Erza were apparently not the only traitors.

Levy and Juvia watched in horror as they realized how unfaithful their friends had been to Alakitasia.. even when Zeref took them in! "How could you!?" Levy yelled, her voice angry and raw with emotions, anger.. hatred.. loathing.. "How could you betray us like this!? For.. for them?!" She said angrily and pointed at the cowering Fairies, who were quickly realizing if there was any time to fight then it was now.

"You're traitors! You'll die for this!" Juvia said, and they knew it was true, for Zeref would stop at nothing to kill them. "You honestly chose Fairy Tail over death? Do you forget how they treated us?!" Juvia asked them, and for a split second their hatred of Fairy Tail came back, but just like that it was gone. Their will to do the right thing was greater then any hatred or resentment they held for the guild, and that pissed off Levy and Juvia more then anything.

"Hm, looks like the Elite 13 has become the Elite 7" Zeref laughed to himself, he expected some of them to turn against him sooner or later, "no matter, once the Elite 7 take down this guild and the traitors to my Empire, our invasion on Ishgar will continue. Now.. get rid of them." He ordered his remaining, loyal, subjects. They all nodded before standing up, their wounds practically gone, and their magic power raising up to levels that went beyond even the 6 traitors of the Elite 13.

"How is this possible?!" Lucy yelled, confused as to how they seemed to double their magic power in such a short time, "you were hiding all this power from us?!" She looked towards Juvia and Levy for an explanation, but all she got were looks of pure hatred from her former friends.

"Space bubble, while you all were in Alakitasia we decided to train a bit more. So Yukino made a bubble that altered the time inside it, we practiced and trained for about five years in that bubble, but out here it was only five hours." Sting told them, now it was the traitors turn to feel betrayed.. even if they had no right to feel that way.

"Plus it helps to have a future seer on your side." Rogue smirked, "Charle told us right away of this future when she turned loyal to the Empire, of course she also told us the future might not even happen.. but here we are." His voice was just as angry as the others, and his magic power just as great.

"You six may be strong, but you have nothing on us anymore." Yukino hissed, and she was right, with their amount of magic power now there was no way the six could beat them.. their entire revolt was pointless now.. and they were going to die at the hands of their friends.. no their family.

Out of nowhere came a laugh, from Zeref himself. "Ice queen, Land Giantess, and Ocean Sorceress, I now appoint their armies under your control. And I also say we shall be retreating for now, we have Mavis.. and without the traitors your aren't as strong." He told them, the Elite 7 wanted to argue but knew it wouldn't sway their Emperor's mind, "we shall return to Alakirasisa, but be warned Fairy Tail.." He cooed as he looked at his squad.

"We will be back." They Elite 7 and Zeref all said in sync, then in a flash of burning light they disappeared, leaving behind a singed guild floor.. and six traitors who had to answer to the wrath of the Fairy Tail members. The Fairies walked towards them but Makarov held up his hand to stop them.. that's when the guild noticed something..

They were crying.

These six had thrown away everything they worked for.. their friends.. their family.. just to do the right thing.. and they were regretting it. But there was no going back now, they were either with the Fairies or against them. Lucy and Erza both stood up and wiped their eyes before looking at the Fairies and speaking in sync.

"You better listen to us, or your deaths will be inevitable."

The Elite 13 has split up! The Elementals are on opposing sides! Will everything work out for them? Will the Fairies listen to the former Elite Squad members? When will Zeref launch his next attack?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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