An Unwanted Apology

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"I still cannot believe that you were able to fool everyone in the stadium." Minerva told Yukino, "it is a great show of your power." She added, Yukino smiled to herself, what she showed hadn't even been half of her power, and the Sabers knew it. They Sabers walked merrily through the streets of Crocus, with the score Sabertooth team B had now there was no way any other guild could beat them, they might as well give them the win now.

"Well they are quite oblivious." Rufus added, "it is no surprise those dimwits were so easily fooled."

"Um, weren't you fooled too, Rufus?" MiraJane asked, Rufus flushed with embarrassment as he tried to explain himself, but ultimately failed at proving he knew it was all fake. Causing the guild members to laugh at him.

"The look on their faces when they realized it was fake.." Levy said wistfully, "it was priceless!" She laughed, wishing she could go back in time and see it all happen again. Sting laughed as he swung an arm around his girlfriend, Levy could really be rotten and ruthless when she wanted to be, and he loved her for that. He kissed her cheek as Lucy scolded her for being so mean. The Sabers were all laughing together when they heard the sound of four footsteps running up to them, they all turned to see four familiar, and unwanted, faces looking at them.

Jellal, Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel.

"Thank goodness we caught up to you." Natsu panted as he tried to catch his breath, he opened one eye and looked up at Lucy, expecting to see a friendly smile but instead saw a ferocious glare, "yikes!"

"Why are you here, Natsu?" Happy asked him, Natsu stared at Happy in shock, before attempting to go and hug him. Happy recoiled in shock as he used his aera wings to shoot him back with gusts of wind.

"We.. we came to apologize." Jellal said, scratching the back of his head, guiltily, "We're so sorry for what we did, we know now it was wrong. And we're here to.." he couldn't finish his sentence, since the four Elementals already had an answer for them.

"No." They said in unison, the four guys looked at them in shock, they had expected them to accept their apologies with warm smiles and open arms. Instead they looked more deadly than ever, with a devastating aura surrounding them.

"We don't want your apology." Erza stated, her eyes held a fire in them that grew more and more when she looked at Jellal.

"We don't want your explanations." Levy added, her eyes were hard likes rocks. She glared at Gajeel with such fury he took a step back.

"We want you to go away." Juvia told them, her eyes held a storm that didn't want to go away.

"We want you out of our lives." Lucy laughed harshly, her white hair floated in the air, something the Elementals knew only happened when she was really, really, really angry.

"Why won't you just accept our damn apology!?" Gajeel bellowed, "We're trying to atone for our fucking sins and you won't even accept our apology?!" He was angry, but his little outburst just proved what the Elementals already knew.

"You aren't really sorry, Gajeel." Pantherlily told him, he crossed his arms and glared at his former dragon slayer friend, "if you were really sorry you'd leave them alone." He said, emphasizing on the word 'alone'. Gajeel glared icily at him, but he did not let that phase him. He stood his ground and simply glared right back at him.

"C'mon Luce.." Natsu begged, "Don't you want to be on team Natsu again? With me and Gray, Erza and Happy too..? Just like the old days!" He offered, Lucy stiffened at his offer, she did miss those days, when Gray was like a brother to her, Erza the sister she never had, and Natsu... Natsu was the love she could never have. The love who hurt her.. who carved words into her hand.. who didn't really want her. But Hibiki wanted her, Hibiki made her feel loved.. wanted.. something she hadn't truly felt since she left Fairy Tail and joined Sabertooth.

"Even if Lucy did join you.. you'd never be able to have team Natsu again!" Happy yelled, "because I'm not joining you! No matter what you bargain.. even a tasty.. yummy fish. And I know Erza wouldn't either!" He told him, Natsu looked like he'd been hit in the face with a ton of bricks.

"And besides, I'm not joining team Natsu.. not now. Not ever." Lucy smiled cruel, "I have a new team, with Levy, Erza, Juvia, and Yukino. Not to mention Pantherlily and Happy."

"Yeah! Team Elemental!" Juvia said, she put her hands into fists and raised one into the air, the Elementals and exceeds followed suit. Then Sabertooth did as well, all raising their fists into the air. It didn't mean much to the Sabers, but to the former Fairies it did mean something. Putting that fist in the air, the guys knew they truly had no chance of ever getting those they had hurt back.

Unlike Fairy Tail's salute which meant they would always be watching over them. This salute meant almost the complete opposite, they meant it as if they didn't want anyone watching over them. And they did not. They wanted these four boys to turn away and never look back at them again.

"Fine. But you'll regret this!" Gray spat, he turned away from the Sabers, with the other three boys following him closely. They all looked behind them a couple times to see if they had maybe changed their minds.

Spoiler Alert.

They didn't.

They watched the four boys disappear into the crowds of people walking around Crocus. All with sour expressions on their face of hatred and betrayal.

The same expressions four girls had once worn many years ago.

But that expression hadn't quite faded.

As if any of the girls would forgive these guys? They legit carved words into their skin, I wouldn't forgive them either!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

Make sure to check out my new story too! This one is a Naruto fanfiction! It's called Back To The Past. Make sure to give it a read! The first part is out now!

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