Naval Battle

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Gajeel and Gray charged at the four Sabers, but were blocked by two people from behind judo flipping them over their shoulders, Gajeel and Gray looked up to see Sting and Rogue looming over them.

"Hey! That isn't fair!" Gray yelled in defense, Sting and Rogue just laughed at them.

"You heard the pumpkin, it's Fairies vs Sabers, last I checked Rogue and I are Sabers." Sting spat at him, Gajeel and Gray quickly got up, they looked around at the Sabers who started surround them and Natsu.

"Hey! Aren't any of you going to help us?" Gajeel barked at his fellow Fairies, they looked away from him, pretending not to notice or hear anything, "oh you lot are going to pay for this later." He growled at them.

"Just give up, we don't want to hurt you before the games even start." Orga bellowed, the others either nodded or smirked at the three helpless Fairies.

"Fine! But don't think this is over! We will soon show you why Fairy Tail is the number one guild in Fiore!" Natsu boasted, Gray and Gajeel smirked before walking off to their balcony, the Sabers sighed/groaned before walking off to their own balconies.

"Hey, those new Saber girls are kind of hot." Eve whispered over to Hibiki, "don't you think?" He asked him, Hibiki sighed and shook his head no.

"Are you still upset you never got a chance with that Lucy girl from Fairy Tail?" Eve asked Hibiki, "it's been five years since she disappeared, you really have to move on." He tried to be supportive, but Hibiki just walked away from him.

Sabertooth team A and B had balconies close to each other, which made it handy if they wanted to talk, the bad news was a Fairy Tail team were on both sides of them.

"Okay pumpkins!" Mato smiled, or they thought he tried to at least, you can't tell with a pumpkin. "Today's first game is a Naval Battle! Everyone select one opponent from each team to compete!"

"Obviously Juvia should go." Juvia said looking at the others, "it will be an easy win." She told them.

"I don't see why not." Yukino agreed with Juvia, "it would be an easy few points."

"Then it's settled, Juvia will be the first to participate." Erza stated, no one dares to argue with Erza, so they agreed. Juvia quickly jumped from the balcony, it was a high jump so most people watching thought she'd hurt herself. Right before she hit the ground though she dispersed into a puddle of water before reforming before their very eyes.

"Looks like from Sabertooth team B Hýdōr is taking the stage! From Sabertooth team A Minerva is joining the fray! From Mermaid Heel is Beth! Lamia Scale's Lyon is joining as well!" Mato said, naming the first few people who offered themselves up, "from Quatro Puppy is Bacchus! From Blue Pegasus Ichiya! From Fairy Tail team A, Natsu! And from Team B, Laxus! May the best one win!"

"Oh, Hýdōr plans on it." Juvia smirked, she entered the sphere of water with the other contestants, when Mato yelled go she quickly sprung into action. She decided to take out the Fairies first, which is exactly what she did.

"Whirlpool!" Juvia yelled, Laxus and Natsu got caught up in it, they tried to escape by swimming away but the current was too strong, they were quickly defeated and thrown out of the sphere, leaving five more people for Juvia to take care of.

Or rather three more people as both Beth and Bacchus were hurled from the sphere by Lyon and Minerva, leaving only them and Ichiya in the water.

"Water Slicer!" Juvia yelled, the attack hit Ichiya, knocking him back and out of the ring.

"Not the perfume of defeat! Meennnn." Ichiya complained.

Almost all of the Fairies has tensed up when they heard Juvia's spell, and for a split second they didn't see Hýdōr in the ring, they saw Juvia. But then in the blink of an eye she was gone.

"Ice make sea serpent!" Lyon yelled, a large creature formed from ice and barreled at Juvia and Minerva, Minerva swam out of the way as Juvia took the attack head on.

"Water combust!" Juvia yelled, the sea serpent burst into many small pieces, they seemed to deflect around her but hit the other two dead on, Lyon and Minerva both got knocked out of the sphere, making Juvia the champion.

"That Hýdōr is very strong." Lyon said in amazement as he looked at Juvia, "almost reminds me of someone..." he mumbled but quickly shook his head, erasing the thought from his mind.

"Good job Hýdōr!" Lucy exclaimed, "you did amazing! Way to put us on top!" Lucy cheered and smiled for her teammate.

"You did amazing!" Levy shrieked, "you've gotten so strong over the past few years!"

"She truly has, she makes quite the formidable opponent." Pantherlily said, "although I wonder how she'd do in a battle on land."

"Probably just as amazing!" Happy said In glee, "She is an Elemental after all, she's bound to be strong wherever and whenever!"

"You got that right!" Juvia exclaimed, "I am Hýdōr, an Element of Sabertooth. Nothing will stop Hýdōr from achieving her dream!" She told the crowds, they went ballistic at her words and started to chant 'Hýdōr' over and over again.

Juvia returned to her balcony where she received even more congrats from her team and guild mates.

"Beginners luck." They heard a voice sneer, "if they had gotten a chance Natsu and Laxus would've knocked her out for sure." The voice made Erza stiffen and freeze, she looked over to see a familiar blue haired mage sitting next to the Fairy Tail guild, he had the same sour expression she remembered, the only thing different being the addition of a Fairy Tail guild mark on his neck.

"Wow, Fairy Tail has really gone so down hill they're letting anyone join nowadays." Sting laughed, Jellal glared at him.

"Oh, did that upset you? I'll memorize that." Rufus sneered at him.

"Fairy Tail will come out on top." Jellal growled at the mages, they just laughed at his attempt to be scary.

"That'll happen the same day you see your four lost mages again." Minerva laughed harshly, causing Jellal to stiffen.

"But that will never happen." Rogue warned, Jellal turned away from the Sabers, "They're ours now." Rogue whispered.

And the Sabers were never going to let them go.

Hello readers! Just letting you know I'm going to be doing something different with the update schedule of this and my other story, Fled From Fairy Tail.

Basically this story will be updated every other day starting today, and Fled From Fairy Tail will be updated every other day starting tomorrow, mainly so I don't have to stress about getting two parts out in one day.

Hope you all understand and continue to enjoy both stories, make sure to stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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