Capture The Flag (Part 1)

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"Err what do you want Lucy?" Sting asked her, he sat down beside Levy with four female mages giving them disapproving looks in front of them, "did we do something wrong?" He questioned Levy, Levy shook her head no.

"Did they do something wrong?" Juvia asked Lucy, Lucy nodded her head, "what did they do?" She questioned looking from Levy to Sting to Lucy multiple times.

"Would you like to tell them what you did?" Lucy asked the two, they both gave her looks of confusion, "What Hibiki caught you two doing in the arena's hallway." She said sternly, their eyes went wide in realization as the two looked away from each other with their faces red like tomatoes.

"So.. Hibiki told you, huh?" Levy said, Lucy nodded as Levy did a nervous laugh, "well you see guys.. me and Sting.. we may or may not of.. err.. you see.." Levy tried to explain but was too embarrassed, the girls rolled their eyes at her while Sting just smirked.

"We made out." He bragged Yukino, Juvia, and Erza all had looks of pure shock on their faces when he said it, "I had her tongue on my mouth! You guys got a problem with that?" He asked the other four mages as Levy's face turned shades of red they'd never seen before.

"Levy!! Why didn't you tell us?" Erza asked her, "don't you trust us?" She said, there was obvious hurt in her and the others eyes.

"I just.. after the entire ordeal with Gajeel and them.. I didn't want to get my hopes up if something worked out.. or you guys's either.." Levy told them, "I should've told you guys I just didn't want to yet.." she said sincerely, and they could tell she wasn't lying.

"It's fine Levy.." Juvia sighed at her friend, "Juvia forgives you.. just next time this happens to anyone they best tell us." She said seriously as they all eyed Lucy who was slowly inching away.

"Well look at the time! We have an entire day of games tomorrow! Best be going to bed!" Lucy dashed off to her room and quickly closed and locked the door. There were several bangs on the door as her friends tried to get in but failed. There were sighs of defeat as everyone returned to their rooms for the night.

*Time Skip The Next Day*

"Hello pumpkins! We have a great event for you all today! It's time for capture the flag!" Mato cheered, this game intrigued many in the stands and the competitors as well, "each competitor will have their own flag which will stay on them at all times! If you lose your flag, you're out! Nominate someone from each team to play!" He clapped his hands.

"I'll go." Sting said, he jumped from his balcony to the ground, Levy watched him then smirked as she looked towards her friends.

"I'll go, gives me a good opportunity to beat Sting up!" Levy announced, her team had no problems with this so she joined Sting, Sting smirked when he saw her. He swiftly moved towards her and grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him. He kissed her in the middle of the arena for all to see, which was a surprise to most there, including some Sabers as well. They broke the kiss but were still only inches away from each other's faces.

"Don't think I'm gonna go easy on you Lev.." he whispered, he saw Levy smirk with a fiery determination in her eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it.." she told him. She kissed him again before pushing him away and going to her starting zone for the event.

"Aw nice man!" Bacchus clapped Sting on the back, "dating one of the most powerful female mages, neat." Sting shot him a nasty look before going to his starting zone as well.

On the field were the eight mages chosen for the event, Levy, Sting, Bacchus, Eve, Wendy, Gajeel, Araña, and Toby stood on the field for the event. When Mato yelled go all of them sprung into action, all of them except for Levy that is. She sat down and seemed to play in the dirt that littered the arena, she closed her eyes and seemed to start meditating. That's when the crowds noticed the dirt started to move... and bubble? The ground turned into forms, horrific forms. Seven of them to be exact.

She muttered a spell and seemed to breath life into this monsters, they lumbered around and then split off into separate directions.. each after a certain target it seemed. The crowds watched as some of the monsters found their targets and quickly attacked them. The monsters were able to use the spells Levy knew to attack and defend themselves from the other mages, but the more they attacked the paler Levy got, while her breathing turned into short gasps for air at sometimes before going back to normal.

"What is this insane magic Gē is using!?" Mato said in shock at the sight before him, "it seems to powerful to be allowed!"

"It's life magic." Erza said, loud enough for almost everyone to hear, "each one of us can use it, but Gē can use it at an exceptional rate..." Erza said amazed, even her and the others didn't know Levy could use her magic like this so powerfully.

"Wow! What a great magic! And Gē seems able to use it perfectly!" Mato said, "will anyone be able to take down the mage!? She already has taken flags from Eve, Toby, and Bacchus!" He exclaimed in shock. Levy turned healthier shades once the monster gave her the flags and turned back into piles of dirt around her.

"Something about that Gē  and her friends set of so many red flags with me.." Gajeel muttered as he fought Wendy for her flag. They may be in the same guild but Fairy Tail desperately needed the points.

Gajeel decided by the end of the games he would figure out what was up with Elementals.. and who they really are.

Oh man Levy is really powerful. But just how powerful is she actually? And will Gajeel really be able to find out the Elementals's secrets?

Stay tuned to find out what happens to the Elementals next!

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