The Vlog

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Amys pov (based off of "A day in the life of Markiplier")
I walk into the bathroom to see Mark in the shower with the camera recording for his vlog. "Hey Mark," He looked up at me slowly with a glint in his eyes. "Want some company babe, we can put that camera to another use if you want." I told him confidently. He licked his lips as he replied in a deep voice. "Yes baby please, and maybe you can make my shoulders and my back hurt again." He smirked. I slowly stripped out of all my clothes as I watched him grow impatient as he got harder. I opened the door and stepped in as I rubbed my hands over his toned chest. "Fuck" He muttered in my ear. I brought his head to mine as we kissed gently but soon it turned fiery, just like the heat of the water cascading on us. I roughly brought my lips to his neck as he picked me up and put me against the shower wall. He gently slid inside me as he molded perfectly. Quickly we both caught on to the rhythm as we both soon were getting close to our high. "Mark!" I moaned loudly. He started thrusting faster and more sporadic. I raked his back with my fingernails as he reached my g spot. One hand of Mark's gripped my breast as he sucked my nipple and the other hand was rubbing my clit in slow circles. My eyes rolled back into my head as I started seeing fireworks. "Amy I- love- you- so- much" He said in between each thrust. Soon we both climaxed. He put me down as we both started  washing each other. He chuckled into my ear as he washed my hair. "Only you can make me go from not horny to very horny in less than 2 minutes" I giggled at the trueness of his statement. I stepped out the shower and grabbed a towel before looking the camera. "Make sure to edit that out baby." When I was getting dressed I suddenly thought about the hickey I gave him. I chuckled to myself. "Well some fans are bound to notice now."

Amyplier | Our Special Love (on hold currently)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora