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(Right after Why?) Amy's pov

I looked around confused on why he wanted me to remember that he loves me. I thought for awhile before I heard Mark coming back down the steps with no shirt and Markiplier pajama pants on. I picked up my phone and went through Instagram to see many hateful comments on my picture with Mark and I. I started to tear up before Mark came and took my phone out of my hand. I looked up to him to see him frowning at my phone before looking at me with sadness. "Please don't cry babe you know it makes me feel bad." By then I was crying and looking to the ground fiddling with my fingers.

 I felt the couch cushion subside and I could see Mark sitting close to me in the corner of my eye. I felt a hand lift my chin up as my eyes met his chocolate brown orbs. "Amy, you're the prettiest, kindest, goofiest , smartest , sweetest woman I have ever met in my life." He took his hand off of my chin and kept looking up at me in my eyes while pausing then starting to talk again. "I love you too much to see you in pain, those people who made those comments are just jealous and we should pity then instead of being hurt by their words. Promise me that we will be in this together, Amy, if they're hurting you they're hurting me too. Babe you are literally  my everything, I can't ever stop thinking about you. I thought I loved my exes, but in reality, I didn't know what true love was until I met you." He paused before leaning in so our foreheads touched. 

"My life is perfect, because I'm with you." He whispered.

"When I look at you, I'm face first with the most beautiful thing in the universe." He said still whispering. "Just looking at you makes life worth living." He said starting to tear up himself. "You make me want to be a better man and lover to you. I will do anything just to make you smile." A tear fell from his eye as our fingers intertwined without us noticing. I leaned forward and softly placed my lips on his, it felt like time stopped and it was only us in the world. The kiss felt like hours but in reality was only a few seconds.

 He smiled before it faltered and he said "Oh babe how could I forget, I didn't post my videos for like the past 3 days, my fans probably think I'm dead." Right after he said that we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Ethan, Tyler, and Kathryn. Ethan and Tyler blushed once they saw me and Kathryn smirked and said "Did we interrupt something" she said wiggling her eyebrows. I lifted my brow before looking down to see that I was wearing just Mark's shirt. I blushed myself before moving out the way to let them all in. Mark got up and hugged me from behind and nuzzled his face in my neck before saying "No you didn't interrupt anything." They looked at each other because Mark was just in pants.  Ethan and Tyler sat on the couch while Kathryn walked over to me and Mark, so Mark pulled away. Kathryn stopped Mark by putting a hand on his shoulder "You better please her." she smirked. Mark looked at me before replying "Oh trust me I am, now I have to post videos." He walked away leaving me, Kathryn, Ethan and Tyler in silence. I walked to the couch and sat down next to Ethan.

Amyplier | Our Special Love (on hold currently)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora