There is no home like one you've got!

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//I will include a song in this chapter, because why not. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Disney, so I repeat it doesn't belong to me. Now, in this chapter, the dolls help each other give lessons on how to live in the real world//.

"She's right you know, living in the real world isn't all just pure bad, you've also gotta find some moments that make you happy," Woody tells Lou. "But, What do dolls do in the real world?" Lou asks and then Woody takes a breath and then calls to all the dolls, "ok, staff meeting everyone." All the dolls circled around and then Woody start to teach them.

"Alright so a doll in the real world can move, but he needs to move without anyone seeing him, when a human isn't around, he can eat, sleep, play with each other, arrange their surrounds, you know, stuff humans do like-."

He leads them to the bathroom and then UglyDog drinks out of the toilet. "Not like that though! That's disgusting!" Woody pointed out as UglyDog stopped drinking out of the toilet. He then leads them to the kitchen and tells them, "and this is where people eat, if a doll is in the need to eat, he can eat here if he gets lucky enough to not get noticed." Wage gets up on the counter, takes off the bowl of the mixer, turns on the mixer and starts using the mixer as a back massager, "now this feels good, better than the cats we have to use in the studio." He leads the dolls to the bedroom, "this is where us dolls live the rest of our lives in, us and the child we live with and grow up with." "You seem to know a lot about this stuff," Moxy tells Woody and Woody tells her, "yeah, well, in my movie, I had a kid named Andy, though he has grown up now and gave me to Bonnie, but then Bonnie now likes Jessie, and I have grown to except that, and now I'm out here." Lou felt bad for Woody about that, but he also felt glad that Woody accepts it. "In our movie, we are working to get our kids, and Lou was made to stop us from getting our kids," Lucky Bat tells Woody and the Lou added "I can't wait till I get my kid, after all, Villains don't stay evil forever," Lou said and then Ox kind of smiled and kind of had his ears down, so did the other dolls. Lou noticed this and asked, "what?" "Where's Babo?" Moxy asked to change the subject.

"Babo is awesome," they dolls hear from the vents and Wage rolls her eyes, "just Babo being Babo."

"He's so awesome," Babo says again and then the dolls go to investigate where he was then they found him.

"He's, He's beyond awesome, he's Beawesome, or so they say-," Babo stopped when he saw the others staring at him.

"Uh, I wasn't doing anything, I am Beawesome." Babo got away from the vents and then Lou walked towards the vents.

"Echo!" He shouted through the vents and it did echo. "Echo!" He shouted again and then it echoed through the vents again, he started to laugh.

"Hey buddy, come up here!" Ox shouted from above the home. Lou looked up at a ladder and saw him looking out of the skylight. "Ox, what are you doing?" He asked and then Ox answered, "come up here and you will see, my friend." Moxy patted Lou's back and then Lou climbed up the ladder and then looked out of the skylight to feel wind whipping against his hair, "what the? Whoa, this is awesome." Ox, who was behind him, smiled, "try closing your eyes, it'll feel like you are flying." Lou does that and then starts enjoying it. "This is totally awesome, Moxy, come try this!" Lou called down to Moxy but Moxy answered, "nah maybe later, all the spaces are full." She sees that every other doll had took all of the windows. Lou whooped in excitement and then continued to close his eyes and let the wind blow through his hair.

The home stopped next to a restaurant, and in the field, Wage and Lou were learning how to catch a baseball while Woody quickly snuck to grab a map for them. The first couple times Lou messed up but after the final try of catching the ball, he finally caught it. After a while, the home kept moving and the dolls started to rough house and literally. After hours they have got off in Chicago and took another ride which was a dirt truck that was heading towards Missouri. In the dirt truck, UglyDog kept digging in the dirt and getting everyone dirty.

Many days, they had crossed over two states and had got off in Colorado to walk the rest of the way. When they both got hot and thirsty, they snuck into a person's yard when they weren't home and then Ox turned on the hose right when he saw Lou put his face inside the nozzle, figuring out how to turn it on. Ox laughed when Lou got wet and his bangs were covering his eyes, then Lou sprayed him in the face. They saw the others laughing at their weirdness and then they both made a plan to start spraying everybody with the hose.

After that, they had took a train. Lou was sitting by the door entrance looking outside at a father carrying his son on his shoulders and they both were laughing. Lou smiled at that and then he didn't expect Ox to grab him and put him on his head and hold him with his ears just like what the dad was doing. Lou started to laugh at what Ox was doing with him. Their next stop was at the train station, and Lou surprised Ox with a basket of carrots that were 10 cents each to people, but to them, it was all free. Ox started to eat the carrots.

They walked into the alleys of a city for Lucky Bat to practice something important to bats called Echolocation. Lou got himself lost on purpose and started making noises and Lucky Bat had to find him, he listened to the sound of Lou's voice until he found him. Then so they could find the others, the others had to make noises for Lucky Bat and Lou to try and find their way back to the others which they did. Lucky Bat had succeeded Echolocation.

When they got back on the train, the train went a different direction and the dolls had to get off and walk through a snowy forest where they learned to throw snow balls at each other, until they took a new ride in an RV that drove them through a rainy day in Nevada. Lou, not giving a darn about his perfect hair getting messy and wet from the rain, had his head outside and looking straight ahead at the bright lights and the big city of Las Vegas.

Las Vegas was big and beautiful, despite the nudity that did permanently scar the dolls when they were walking through and seeing it. They decided to grab some food that was wasted in the trash cans. They ate while watching some of the fireworks that did burst through the sky above the city. Lou looked up at the sky with a big smile on his face just like the other dolls did, Ox loved seeing one of his friends this happy, especially when he had never seen it on his face in a while since Lou was given the role as a villain. They watched the fireworks for hours until finally they drifted off to sleep.

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