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//this picture doesn't belong to me and yes, this is the part where my morbid side kicks in. There will be morbid scenes I will put in this chapter, so read at your own risk. Other than that if you love morbidity, enjoy//.

They start filming the rest of the movie from the gauntlet to the ending. Clone Ox walks in and then says to Clone Lou with as much sass as in the movie, "hello old friend." "Oh it's you uglies," Clone Lou replied and then Mandy appears. Clone Lou gets a surprised look, "oh, Mandy, what a pleasant surprise." Mandy didn't feel like saying anything knowing it wasn't her Lou at all, but she had to, "you know, I once thought you were a great doll, I thought you were perfect, but now  with my glasses on, Whaaaat." Clone Lou just laughed and then said, "ok, how about this, if you win, I will let you go to the big world. However, if I win, every single one of your kind goes to the recycling." "Deal," Clone Moxy said. The announcer announced, "and now, teams mark, in five....four.....three.....two......One!" The horn blows off and then the dolls dash into the house gauntlet. The clone uglydolls run all around not mixing at all, the perfect dolls start running in a different path.

The scene went by well just for the vacuum and the soap, however the dog scene did not go as well as when they were just practicing. The robot dog came in, Nolan let it grab him by its mouth. Tuesday goes to help him then Clone Lou stops her and says, "it's too late, he's a lost cost, there's nothing we could do." "I'm right here!" Nolan said his line and the dog pulled him back then he reached back again, "You could grab my hand!" "There's nothing we could have done," Clone Lou said again. "Good doggie," Nolan said when the dog sat on him. Clone UglyDog was too scared to go over and say his line, this was not what Clone UglyDog signed up for. The camera man had to stop the scene and Pitbull, UglyDog's voice actor, kept saying, "UglyDog, go do it, say your line and do your dance." "There's no way I'm going near that...that beast," Clone UglyDog coward back from the line and actually tried to leave the set in fear. Clone Lou just rolled his eyes and said, "You Coward! This dog isn't going to kill you!"

Pitbull tried to stop his toon but his toon slipped and then knocked over a torch and then some more torches. The torches spilled flammable juices and then the juices lit on fire and then the whole set caught on fire. "Fire! Fire! Fire! Evacuate Everyone!" The director warned everyone and then all the humans started to run out of the studio with their toons, but they left Mandy and Nolan stuck inside.

From the washer area, Lou sniffed the air and commanded, "guys, be quiet." "No Lou, we have to go back," Moxy was telling him but Lou told her, "Moxy! Shh! Zip it." The dolls understood what he was talking about. "What is it?" Woody asked them. "I smell smoke," Lou told them. "He's not lying, I smell smoke too," Slinky sniffed the air then Lou added, "and it's coming from inside the studio." Ox could hear cries from inside the studio too, "Mandy and Nolan are in trouble!"

"Help! Mandy! Help Me!" Nolan was crying out as the dog was still on him because it was shut off. "Don't worry Nolan I've got you," Mandy shouts to him through the flames and she started coughing from the smoke. She gets burned by a flame that hit her and she still moves on until she finally reaches to Nolan's aid. Gordo watched from on the roof at the burning building with Brahms, "that was a stupid dog." Ozchin started to flee, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting out of here." "Me too, goodbye boss and Brahms," Bye Bye Man said and then he disappeared. Brahms heard voices of the real dolls coming and then he said, "the dolls have escaped, I'll finish them off." "Go then! Finish your job," Gordo demanded as Brahms vanished in the flames. In mere seconds, the flames had grew from the stage to the entire studio.

The dolls started to run to stage 10 to where the cries of their friends were heard. "So what's the plan?" Woody asks Lou and then Lou answers, "me, Moxy and Ox will get Mandy and Nolan, the rest of you guys try to get us in and out." The entrance to stage 10 was about to close as something heavy was going to block it. Buzz Lightyear ran and then grabbed the big heavy metal holding it in place, "this is a good day to die." "Not on my watch Pal!" Woody said as he helped him carry it. Ox, Moxy and Lou slid inside and Jessie swung her rope around Woody and Buzz and pulled them back as the metal collapsed, blocking the entrance. "So, what are we standing here for?" Wage sassed and then Mr. Potatohead added, "yeah lazy butts, let's go find an exit for them, and if not find one, make one!"

Studio (an UglyDolls Au)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora