Happily Ever After

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//photo doesn't belong to me, but yeah this is the end of the AU but don't go just yet. I have explanation for why I wrote this story and the meaning behind it. Thanks for reading this book, I really appreciated it. If you would like, check out my other books I have written on my profile, you won't regret reading them//.

Months later since the fire. The movie had been finished and after the dolls watched it. Lou immediately turned off the TV and just had a look of 'what the hell did I watch'. "That was such bad acting and the message was hard to understand," Lou criticized and then Ox sat beside him saying, "it was absolutely ridiculous." "You can say that again," Wage said as she sat beside him too. Moxy jumped into the picture to hug Lou, "you were a better villain than that Lou was, you're our favorite bad guy." Lou hugged Moxy back and then a dog toy had been thrown across the room with UglyDog chasing it. He grabbed it and started chewing on it, shaking it around in his mouth like an actual dog and rolled belly up. "UglyDog, you and that dog toy," Wage said to UglyDog and UglyDog replied, "I love it, that's why."

Lucky Bat was sleeping upside down like an actual bat until UglyDog accidentally threw the toy at him and Lucky Bat fell off and landed on his head, "ow, UglyDog maybe watch where you are flinging your toy." "Sorry Lucky," UglyDog apologized. Lou started to scratch Ox underneath his right ear, exactly how he likes it, "oh, Lou, thanks, I love this." Ox started thumping his left foot almost like Thumper from Bambi. "Toons, your friends are back!" Nick called from inside the kitchen and then all the dolls jumped. "Wait really! Mandy! Nolan!" Lou said and with the other dolls, they rushed over to Mandy and Nolan who walked through the door and gave them a group hug.

"Oh my goodness it's so good to see you guys," Mandy greeted while hugging back. "Guys, guess what? They decided to make a series out of our movie, and they made a few new toons," Nolan told them while smiling. "Oh boy," Ox complained but Lou seemed proud, "wow! Really? Who are they?" "They are here and we will show you," Mandy signaled out the door for the new toons to come through. The new toons were a miniature uglydoll dog that looks like UglyDog but with two eyes, a nose, and a backwards green and orange hat named Happy Puppy, "meet Happy Puppy." Nolan introduced with a cheerful smile. UglyDog almost wanted to flip "oh my goodness, I want him." "And Lily and Leonard, of the future animal kingdom in the series," Mandy introduced the stuffed animal lion dolls. "And of course, Chelsie, Lou's lost sister confused for a girlfriend." Lou didn't like that at all, she looked extremely weird and emo, he almost thought tonight, she was going to crawl through his window and murder him, uh oh, here we go again.

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