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//this takes place 9 months later, during the production of the movie in which they are half way done, offset, the dolls always visit their favorite worlds in the Action side of the studio, enjoy//.

The dolls receive a phone call from one of the actions asking them for their help. "Hello?" Moxy answers the phone and a voice is heard. "Toons, do you guys have time?" It was Policeman Phil Phillips, the puppet from one of the action movies, the happy time murders.
"yeah, we are on break, the producers are editing one scene we just filmed, what's going on?" Moxy asked after she answered.

"Sandra is at it again, ok?"

"Oh no, where are you guys at?"

"At the airport, a murder has been committed, and the knife appeared to be the same knife Sandra had before, we just need you to come as quickly as you can."

"You're starting to scare me."

"Don't worry dolls, you guys are not like any of those regular toons. You guys are special, you're the only toons in this studio. Love, Action, and Horror runs through your stuffing."

And that's where the action begins. Moxy, Lou, Ox, and 6 other dolls rush into the airport and standing there were Policeman Phillips and his partner Connie Edwards, "lady and gentleman, we came as quick as we could, something about Sandra," Lou greeted while stopping to catch his breath. "Yes, follow us," Edwards leads them somewhere to see Sandra talking to somebody through the walkie talkie, takes out her binoculars and spies on Sandra from the highest point of a building they were standing on, "now that's wonderful news, anything I can do to distract those detectives, I will do, all for my dad, over." "There she is guys, Sandra," Edwards pointed out while letting Lou see and he growls a little almost like a vicious dog, "that lady just never stops, does she?" Lou commented and Moxy looks through the binoculars too and then agrees. "Any luck getting our hostile to spill her guts? over," a male's voice was heard through the walkie talkie. "Oh her guts will spill, one way or another, over," Sandra answered while smirking. "Who are they talking about when they said getting some gal to spill her guts?" UglyDog, using his dog earshot reflexes as a telephone wire. "It's not anybody we know, is it?" Babo hopes. "Better not be, whoever it is, we need to rescue," Phillips answered and just after he answered, Sandra points directly to a lady in a corner tied, and she was definitely someone Phillips knew, "Bubbles! She took Bubbles!" UglyDog growls at Sandra. "She's beginning to bore me, just hurry and finish whatever you are doing, over," Sandra spoke through the walkie talkie then added, "are the bombs here yet, I'm pretty sure it will make our hostile, a bit more communicative, over." "The package is 10 minutes away from where you are standing, over." "Good, I'll be right back to fetch it, over," Sandra ended the walkie talkie talk and then started to walk away taking the hostile with her.

"Alright guys, let's move out," Edwards demanded and they get off the roof onto the street to stalk the evil gal. "Dolls, you know what to do," Phillips tells the dolls. "Yes sir," Lou answered and then they spread out in different corners to track down Sandra. This lasted until a few minutes later, Ox found her and then blow the secret whistle. They came back together and followed Sandra into an alley where she mysteriously disappeared. Suddenly, a car started driving over to them, and it was driven by a controlled puppet, "only kill the police," Sandra through a screen directed, and then the car went on full speed towards them. "Allow me!" Ox ran towards the car and his ears shaped into bull horns while he was getting ready to ram into the car. "Ox. Ox!!" Lou was calling a bit frightened at what he was doing, then suddenly, BAM! Ox rammed into the car and the car went flying into the air with a huge dent on its front, then it landed upside down on the ground. All of the dolls looked at him with shocked faces while Ox just got up and made the same Ox sticking his tongue out face as he always does, "how did you do that?" Lou asked just very surprised. "Hey it's two words, Movie...Logic, I just imagined I had super strength in this movie and I just banged into that car," Ox answered with a smile. "Amazing," Lucky Bat complimented and then imagined he could fly and then he flew.

The police and the dolls checked the car and saw the puppet with something on its head controlling its mind, "what?!" The puppet asked with an angry expression.

"Where is Sandra taking my girlfriend?" Phillips threatened him.

"I'm not talking to you!" The puppet shouted.

"Alright, you asked for it," Ox just shrugged and then using his super strength, he picked up the car with his ears and then hung it over the side of a bridge that is over a rushing river. "San Diego, San Diego! Sandra's taking her to San Diego, the flight hasn't left yet, you've still got 20 minutes to get back to the airport," the puppet trembled in fear while he was still in the car. "San Diego, wow, I should have known," Lucky Bat thought about it. "Great going Ox, that movie logic of yours works every time," Wage complimented. Mandy, despite not being able to see very good, through her glasses could see more cars coming towards them, "guys, we've got company!" "Alright c'mon guys, let's go," Edwards ordered the dolls and Ox dropped the car back onto the bridge and hopped into the police car with the others. Edwards starts the car and then they drove away from the cars heading towards them, and the chase was on.

The dolls had to figure out a way to get rid of the cars and then heard the controlled men in cars shooting their gun at them. "Ahh! They've got guns!" Lucky Bat screamed when he was hearing the bullets hitting the car. "Oh! Allow me!" Nolan said and he jumped out of the car to tie a rope to the car and then he used Movie Logic to get Super speed and then in an instant, the car disappeared in plain sight thanks to Nolan using super speed. "Movie Logic! Baby!" He yelled over the loud sound of passing cars. "Yeaaaah!!!" Ox yelled back to him over the sound. The cars suddenly found their way back to them. "Uh oh," Babo said once again. Nolan, obviously avoiding getting hit by cars while also trying to get the police car away from the other cars. Phillips checks the time and tells the dolls, "the flight is leaving in 10 minutes!" "Nolan, take us to that alley way!" Lou directed Nolan pointing to an alley way. Nolan runs to that alley and there was a dead end. "Guys, it's a dead end!" "I gotcha," Ox jumps up and onto Nolan's shoulders, aimed his head at the end and then the wall busts down, stopping the cars. "Great job guys" Edwards complimented only to see a bomb tossed and attached to a diesel truck. "Ok, my turn!" Lou says and then jumped out of the car and started running after the diesel truck. A motorcyclist approached them and he had a taser and tried to tase Moxy, "Hey! Nobody has the right to tase my friends," Wage sassed and then grab the dude's wrist, twisted it then tased him and the guy fell off his motorcycle. "Thanks," Moxy thanked, "always," Wage said and looked back ahead.

Lou caught up with the diesel truck, grabbed the bomb, and ran on the side of the freeway. He turned around to see another motorcycle chasing after him, he looked everywhere and saw a crane. So, he jumped and grabbed onto the crane, swung to the other side, and then jumped onto an electric train. He ran on the train and saw the motorcycle riding onto the train. Lou used Movie Logic to blast out lasers from his eyes and popped both of the tires on the motorcycle and the guy shot a following missile at Lou before he gave out and fell off the train. "Not good," Lou said to himself as he saw the missile getting closer. He jumped off the train and tried running back to the others. Suddenly, a helicopter was blocking his way getting ready to aim and fire at Lou. He used Movie Logic once again to jump at the right moment over the helicopter onto the other side. The missile hit the helicopter, exploding it to pieces.

Lou ran back to the car and was literally out of breath. "Good job buddy," Moxy hugged him despite him being so sweaty. "There we are, back at the airport," Phillip says to them and sees the plane about to take off, "Oh No!" Edwards shouts when she stops the car in the middle of the track. "Allow me," UglyDog said with suspense in his voice, took one step in front and another in the back. His time for Movie Logic has finally come, he took a big deep breath, and then he barked a storm! The storm hit the plane and the plane crashed. Sandra, who was in the plane, walked out injured pushing the hostage out. "I'll get you next time, I will never rest until my dad is avenged!" She yelled and ran away. Phillips approached his girlfriend and kissed her. "Ewww!" The dolls looked away grossed out.

"Toons of Uglydolls! Please report back to the toon room, you'll need all the rest for tomorrow's shoot," the intercom spoke and then the dolls look at each other. "Do we have to?" Lou asked hoping they'd say no, "You guys did great as always, but they're right you know, you must go back to finish your movie," Edwards tells them. Mandy agrees, "let's go guys."

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