The Escape

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//Woody and Lou come to the rescue, enjoy//.

Lou howled into the night, a little something him and UglyDog do if either of them get lost. He listened for him to howl back and surprisingly, he howled back. "We're not far from them, it's this way," Lou tells Woody and he runs in the direction of the howl. It leads them to an old house, "this must be it."

"Goodnight Ester," a guy said and the woman said, "goodnight Boyd." The door shut but the it opened again magically, or was it magically? "Boyd, I swear if you are jumpscaring me again, then I will pepper-spray you again," Ester gets out of her desk and then walks to the door grabbing a flashlight, "I swear, it's like my roommates are toddlers." Lou and Woody got out of their hiding spot and then continued to walk down the hallway. "Stop doll," Woody stops Lou and then he says, "there's a guard." "I'll snap his neck," Lou said and then walked but Woody grabbed his suit collar and said, "not a good idea, we need to find another way to get him away from the door."

Woody sees a dog pen full of dogs and then he says, "I have an idea, I'll distract the guard and you will go get your friends." Lou nods and then Woody goes over to the dog pen and then pulled his string which said "there's a snake in my boot." Dogs heard the noise and then started barking uncontrollably. The guard heard the dogs barking and then said, "oh come on dogs! Just Quiet Down!" He left the spot.

Lou opened the door and then walked to the dolls who were in the cage. "Guys?" Lou called into the cage and then Moxy says, "Lou, is that you?" "Who did you think it was, Santa Claus?" Lou joked and Moxy laughed. Lucky Bat then asked, "what are you doing here?" "I came to save you guys," Lou said with a smile on his face which was unlike anything the dolls had ever seen before. "Wow, you smiled, that's the first time we have seen you actually smile," Ox complimented and Lou just says, "thanks, well, are you guys ready for this?" "Let's get out," UglyDog said. Wage tells Babo, "can we use the lock pick?" Babo dug through his pockets and then gave a piece of wire to her and then she picked the lock open.

"What the? Where did you get that Woody doll?" The guard asked while the dogs had Woody. "Hey! Stinky pants!" Lou called behind him and then the guy looked behind him to see the toons, "Hey!" "Woody! Fall back!" Lou called to him and then Woody opened the dog's mouth, ran to them while accidentally kicking the guy in the face. They started running to reach the door while the guy was calling to Boyd, "Boyd! Lock the doors, the toons are escaping!"

"I got it!" Ox said to them and then started to run ahead, and then he shaped his ears like a bull's horns and then tried to run him over but Boyd kicked him in the head and Ox hit a fire extinguisher and it went flying out the door, busting it open then hit a pole. The pole broke and it fell on the van, exploding it to pieces. The toons all jumped out of the broken door and then they ran away from the house. "Oh crud, what did you do to my new truck!" Ester yelled and then the other guy came running from behind her and she sprayed him in the eyes. "Ow! Ester! Sparked the eyes!" He hollered and then Ester just said, "both you boys need serious help!"

The toons made it to a road and then they started looking for a ride. "Any luck in finding a ride guys?" Moxy asked everyone but then Babo pointed one out, "hey, I've got a big one! You're welcome." A motor home started driving by and they all ran after it to try and get to it. Lou jumped on and then turned around to pull other dolls onto the motor home. When they all were on, they all started to laugh. "That was awesome!" Moxy shouted in excitement and then Lou complimented Ox "you did great Ox, did it hurt when he kicked your head?" "Nah, not too bad, I've got a tough skull," Ox answered while knocking his own head. "I knew you guys could do it," Woody complimented them and added, "you guys remind me of my old friends and I still miss them."

Moxy saw Lou looking outside the home with a smile on his face, Moxy walked over to him and joked, "what's that face for?" "I have just...never been so happy like this in my life," Lou said and Moxy understood that. "I could tell, it feels we are free to just be whoever we want to be out here without having to be forced to act a certain way, huh?" Moxy tells him and then Lou nodded.

"Moxy, if we don't fight, then what are we? Like-," he stopped his sentence and couldn't speak anymore. Moxy already knew what he was trying to say, so she patted his back, "don't worry about it, being out here is actually the greatest thing yet."

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