I Quit!

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//this part is going to be a little short because there is not much to say for this part except the fact that the toons had made it out and Nick has a little 'chat' with the director and Gordo//.

The firemen found the three dolls laying their unconscious and they helped Woody and the gang burst through the wall to go and grab them. They came out of the building with three of the firemen carrying each of the unconscious toons. They set them down to hook them up with some oxygen tanks. Moxy was the first to wake up and cough, she looked to her left to see Mandy hooked up and then her right to see Lou hooked up too, "Lou," she weakly spoke. Nick saw his real toon still unconscious and he ran over to his side, leaving Clone Lou all by himself, "My Real Toon!" Moxy could hear her voice actor Kelly by her side, "Moxy! It really is you! You're back."

Please be ok Louie and Mandy, Moxy thought with hope that her friends aren't dead. When the other dolls walked over to them to make sure they are ok, Lou opened his eyes to see his voice actor's face, just like the time when he was first put into the earth. "Nick....it's you," Lou weakly spoke and Nick hugged him and said, "yes my toon, I'm here, and I'll never let you go again." Mandy then woke up to see Nolan and Janelle right beside her.

"You guys are the bravest toons I have ever seen," Woody complimented and Buzz nodded his head, "I agree, they would have made great space rangers." Nick agreed with the Disney toons and he said, "he is my brave toon." "Moxy, I'm so sorry this happened to you," Kelly told Moxy as she hugged her. The director came into view and pretended to have sympathy as always, "I can't believe this happened to you guys, no voice actor should ever have to go through this, but I'm telling you, we are going to make this work," he changed his reaction to cheerful, "I'm talking coverstories, editing production and credits, this is going to be so great!" Ox snarled in hate at the director, and so did UglyDog with his dog partner Slinky. "That is the meanest director I have ever seen in 25 years," Woody said and then Nick got up holding the dolls back, "now toons, Let me have a little 'chat' with our director about his behavior."

Nick goes over to the director and then said, "this is for the way you treated my toon, and us," then he pushed him right on the floor. He fell backwards and his phone broke into pieces. "Don't even think about firing me, because I quit," Nick finally said and the director got up, "now, let's not get too overwhelmed here, now, let's put a pin in it." "Let's get him!" Kitty yelled with the other spy girls, and they started to chase after the director and then they disappeared.

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