The Map

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//this is a visual of the map they are going to be using, the children have their own little way of getting the map without any money, and we all know what that means//.

"A map store?" Lou asked and the kids nodded. "A map is like fifty bucks, do you kids have fifty bucks?" Ox asked and the kids shook their heads. "You don't have to have money just to get what you want?" The girl said and her little brother Benny added, "yeah, we have a special and secret way of getting what we want without any money, now watch and learn." The dolls had no idea what they meant since they have really never been outside the studio ever before, and so they just sat back and decided to watch the kids do the dirty work.

The cashier was checking off maps that people were buying and then one guy who had to pay off the dept of loosing a map he rented only paid it with fake money and then the cashier caught that. "Excuse me sir, what's this?" He asked while pointing at the fake money. "What, well I paid off my rent, isn't that enough?" The guy said and then the manager overheard what was going on and walked into the scene. "If I heard this right, you tried to pay off your rent using fake money? You know how illegal that is, and when you do something illegal, you are not asking us, you are asking the police to throw you in jail!" The manager threatened the guy and the guy whimpered "please, not jail." The kids were walking through the door and they saw the commotion but ignored the agony and just went into their places.

"We'll hold the phone back as far as we can, if you ever plan to trick us by using fake money again, we will call the cops," the manager threatened and he left the room once the guy was gone or pretended to be gone, then Benny knocked over the stack of maps and he knocked over making a big mess. "Um, sir? I made a mess, can you pick it up for me?" He asked all innocently and the cashier saw what happened and walked away from his stand to the boy, "oh ok, next time be more careful, alright?" He said nicely not aware that this was a trick. Anna, the older sister, grabbed a map and the girls both left the store, while Benny ran too. The guy saw this as an opportunity to steal a map and run but the cashier saw the guy and then yelled, "Thief!"

The kids walked back to the dolls and the girl said, "ok, this is the map of the entire country." She opened the map and pointed at New York City, "you guys are over here, by the green lady with the big torch, and your studio you said is Burbank, California right?" "Yes," Moxy answered and then the girl looked on the map and found Burbank, California in Los Angeles which was way across the country and farther than the dolls thought. "Right there, in Los Angeles, all you guys need to do is get from New York to California," the girl pointed from the city to Burbank and Ox never felt so furious with Lou then he does now. "Ok, we helped you guys find it," The girl said as she gave them the map and heard the cashier yelling thief and saw the same guy running away, "uh oh, you guys know what to do, I'll return the map, Benny and Anna go get the thief!" She said as they ran away.

"Alright, let's go home now guys," Lou said as he tried to walk away only to see he was not moving, looked down and saw a leash, then looked at Ox who had the other end of the leash hooked onto him, "yeah this time, I'll let you off the leash when we get home," Ox made very clear with Lou. "Um, excuse me? It wasn't my fault we are out here, you know that!" Lou fought back but Ox just smiled, "I know that, but I don't want to lose the youngest toon out here in this lonely world again." "Ox!" Lou groaned embarrassed by Ox ruffling his hair while saying it. "Ok, can we get home now and no more weirdness," Wage sassed while pulling on Ox and Lou's leash.

The dolls were walking trying to find a ride, suddenly Ox found a ride, it was a U-Haul that read 'Los Angeles', the place they needed to go. "Oh perfect Ox!" Moxy complimented and Ox started to drag Lou, and Lou just started to struggle. "Oh darn, it's a padlock," Lucky Bat said but then realized it was Wage's turn to use Movie Logic, "Wage, will you do the honors and pick this lock?" "Oh yeah," Wage agreed and then Babo gave her a piece of wire and she shaped it into a key and tried to pick the lock while Lou was still struggling to get off the leash. Lou grabbed a stick and pointed it at Ox, "Ok, Ox! I have a very stick here, do not, I beg of you, do not make me use this bad boy on you, it gets ugly, literally." He sees a Wage trying to pick the lock but also sees that it's not working, "what are you doing Wage?" "Quiet Pretty Boy, I'm trying to concentrate on picking this lock open," she answers and still works on picking the lock. Now I'm more concerned about the number of levels, Lou thought as he watched carefully at Wage working.

They hear voices coming from far behind them, Wage had to stop what she's doing and warn, "guys intruders, we must hide!" The dolls started to run and Ox started to drag Lou, "Hey! Ox slow down! You're scrapping the ground against my-," then he got hit in the head by the mail box and knocked out. "Shhh!" Moxy shushed everyone and they waited for what looked like owners of the U-Haul to leave. "Hold up, I forgot the keys," one u-haul owner said to the other and then they set the couch down and then the second u-haul owner sat on the couch to relax. Babo grabbed a penny from his pocket and then flanged it over to distract the guy and then once he was distracted, they crawled underneath the couch. "Hey Look, a lucky penny," he flipped in the air but the first guy grabbed it and said, "thanks, now move your butt."

The guys moved the couch into the U-Haul truck carrying the dolls inside and then they shut the back of the truck. Meanwhile, the kids watched them start driving from the street. "I'm telling you guys, I know these dolls, Anna and Benny, you two are looking at me like 'uhh I don't know' but I'm telling you guys, they have to be from somewhere.," the girl explained to them and her older sister Anna advices, "maybe you'll remember tonight when you go to sleep." "Yeah, that's probably what will happen," Benny added and then they started to walk away while the dolls were on their way back home.

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