Born to Be Brave!

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//there will be a song in this, it's called Born to Be Brave, from High School Musical: The Series. I just found this song one day and I fell in love with this, the meaning behind this song, I felt like I just had to put it in this story//.

Lou kept crying by the side of the studio as the clouds started to cover the sun. A female voice said, "Lou, don't tell me you believe that horror, do you?" It was Moxy, he just looked at her and then turned his head. "Ok, what she means is that isn't the question, the question is what are you doing out here, and why are you not in there?" Ox asked but then Lou just gave them a dirty look, "why do you guys care? Stop pretending to care! Just admit that I'm a villain who doesn't deserve you!"

"Brahms told you that, didn't he?" Moxy asked and then Ox got his face red, "that doll has lied for the last time." "We do care about you for reals Lou," Lucky Bat tried to tell him. "You know Brahms can't be trusted," Wage reminded him but Lou still turned his head away. "She means, you may be the villain of our movie, but there is something you need to understand, without you, there is no story," Moxy tells him.

//the moves they do are the same as this and Lou's moves mixed//.

Lou started to listen to them, "but, Brahms told me that you guys were-." "Brahms knows nothing about us, you know that," Ox reminded him again and the Lou looked up at them, "do you guys mean what you say?" "Of course we do, we need you, you are the reason we exist, and we love you for that. And when I say this stuff, I mean it." Moxy tells him while holding his chin up and then letting go. He could already have a feeling they were going to sing, and he just stood correctly.

🎶 Moxy: don't need a king, I got my croowwn!

Ox: don't need a hero to lift me off the ground!

Lucky Bat: I've built this heart, it's beating looooud!

Wage: won't let no Horror ever bring us down!

Babo: keep flying higher! Fight like a-.

Lou: *smiling* Fighter!

UglyDog: what if I'm everything that I will ever need!

Moxy: a queen messiah!

Ox: a strong survivooor!

Moxy: *puts her arm around Lou's neck and shoulders* even the worst days will get the best of meeeee! 'Cause I was boooorn to be brave, I know who I am inside and I won't apologiiiiize! Maaaaade my mistakes, and you give us wings to fly to our castle in the sky!!!

Ox lifted Lou up with his ears and then put him on a table, "well, go right ahead friend." Then Lou started to sing.

Lou: I use to feel, like I was loooost, it's like my phone's navigation was turned off. He got up and started walking with style on the table like he was taught in his movie, "but it's the road! I stumbled ooooon," he raised his arms out feeling the wind once again. "That lead me right to the place where I belong!" Then he started to do his moves like from in the movie. "Keep flying Higher! Fight like a fighter! Yeah I am everything that I was meant to be," he moonwalked and then twirled, "a blazing Fire! That's getting brighteeeerrr! Don't need nobody here that don't believe in me!" He started to rock his body, "'cause I was booorn to be brave! I know who I am inside and I won't apologize!"

Brahms saw them and then he shook his head, "I feel really bad for those dolls," then he ran back into the studio. Moxy then climbed up on the table to join Lou.

Lou: maaaade my mistakes! And you give me wings to fly-.

Both: to my castle in the sky! Let my head down and let it go! No more running, I run this show, way up here yeah the view is Gooold! They both began to twirl, holding each other's hands and singing "Booorn to be brave!" Then they swung back to back, "now I'm standing miles high like castles in the sky!"

Suddenly, everyone started to join them and sing, "bosses and queens, stand up on your thrown! Know who you are, this is your kingdom! Legends are high individuals! Go make your mark! Be original!"

Brahms was running and running until he finally made it to the other horrors, "Gordo! They are back! The dolls!" "What, how is that possible?" Gordo asked in disbelief. "I don't know, but they are distracted right now, we can just strike at them," Brahms told him then Gordo smirked, "come on guys, let's show these dolls what Horrors can do!" Then all four of them came running after the dolls.

"Heeeeyy!" They all sang while they clapped their hands once. They began to twirl until everyone was on the ground besides Lou, Moxy and Ox.

All: 'Cause I was Boooorn to be braaave! I know who I am inside and I won't apologize!

UglyDog: No Nooo!

All: *began to lift the three of them up* Maaaade my mistakes! And you give us wings to fly to our castle in the sky!!

The horrors found them and began to sneak in on them.

Moxy: Let my head down and let it go!

Lou: no more running I run this show!

Ox: way up here yeah the view is Gooold!

The clouds started to move and made a big hole revealing the sun, beaming down almost like nature's spotlight.

Wage: 'Cause I was-.

All: Boooorn to be brave! Now I'm standing miles high! Like castles in the sky!

Both Moxy and Lou held hands and sang the last verse, "Like Castles in The Skyyyyy!"

When the dolls set the three dolls down, Lou opened his arms for a group hug. Everyone made a group hug with Lou in the middle, "thank you guys." "Aww, a shame I don't get a thank you for just trying to help you," Brahms spoke from behind them. Lou looked behind him and then gasped, the horrors, oh no!

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