New York City

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//the picture belongs to its rightful artist, in this part, the dolls are in New York City trying to grab Lou and go home//.

The mail was transported from a truck in Burbank to a plane, to another truck in New York City. The delivery person opened the back of the truck and then put the boxes on a dolly, then carried them inside. The dolls later woke up inside a box and then they opened it to see Lou's box being dollied out. "Guys, wake up, we've got to get to Lou," Moxy woke everyone else up and they snook out of the truck. When the delivery person dropped off the box, the box started to move like something inside was actually trying to get out. The delivery person cut the tape and opened the flaps of the box. Suddenly, Lou jumped out of the box covered in styrofoam and then found the window open and jumped out of the window onto the street.

"Lou!" Moxy called out while the rest of the dolls were trying to catch up with Lou. "Ok Lou, ok stay cool, you can find them Louie," Lou said to himself and the ran left. The dolls were still trying to catch up but they almost lost track of him. As Lou ran, he stopped to see a familiar figure wearing a black cloak, "The Bye Bye Man," he instantly thought when he saw it, so he ran and tried to use Movie Logic to break the fence but he only crashed into the fence, hurting himself. He found a hole in the fence and crawled through it, then he grabbed the figure only to realize it was a homeless man he grabbed instead of the horror. "Oh, uh sorry, I thought you were someone I knew," Lou said to the homeless man and then walked away almost wanted to barf because the guy smelled so bad.

The dolls found his tracks and were racing towards him. "Lou!" Moxy called, "Lou!" Wage called next. UglyDog who was leading the group saw a big ditch ahead and then he tried to use Movie Logic to run and then jumped over the ditch, well he fell in the ditch and hurt himself. "Odd, why isn't Movie Logic working for us when we needed it to," Ox wondered as UglyDog climbed out of the ditch with a comb on his head. Luckily with its help, he found Lou and then shook it off, "guys, I found Lou, I know where he's going, come on!" UglyDog ran and the other dolls followed him.

Lou found where the porter potty was and then he ran into the street and stood in front of the truck carrying the potty, "it ends here!" He said and then put his hands out like he was trying to use the force. The person driving the truck saw him their and then he turned the truck around and stopped. The porter potty fell off the truck and then opened for Lou, "Moxy! Mandy!" He called only to see that they aren't inside, Lou thought they must have moved them. Ox looked inside an open sewer to see a couple guys working down there, "hey, have any of you seen a doll with yellow hair, blue eyes and wears a business suit walk by here?" He asked but the people only looked at him weirdly and Ox just read their mind, "I'll take that as a no, oh Lou!" Ox ran away from the sewer.

Lou met some more strange people on the streets, "ok no time for formality guys, my friends are in danger and I-," he felt somebody touching his hair and then he back away, "hey hey, what are you doing?" "Oh um, I'm sorry kid, may I touch your hair," the creep asked him and Lou just shakes his head only to have another person pinch both of his cheeks, "you're not from around here aren't you?" "Hey, stop touching me! This is serious!" Lou shouted and then another creepy person grabbed his shoulder with a firm grip and said, "hey kid, where is your money? You can't possibly have gotten that business suit of yours without any money." Lou suddenly realized what these people were trying to do so he bit the guy's hand and then ran off. He kept running and running until newspaper flew in his face and then he took it off only to slam his head into a metal bar fence, getting it stuck.

Lou felt dizzy until he shook the feeling, tried to get out but he was stuck. "Why...isn' logic...helping me...bend these stupid bars?" Lou was saying to himself trying to get out. "Hey doll," a voice said, it was a little girl standing by him. "You got your head stuck good, huh?" The girl said and then called her siblings over, "hey guys come here, look, he's got his head stuck." "Yep, that is one stuck head," the oldest sister inspected. Lou started to pull, "hey dolly take it easy, calm down," the girl was saying. "I will not take it easy, I'm missing two of my friends," Lou argued back until suddenly, "and who could they be mister?" Moxy appeared in front of his face.

Lou screamed at her sight, "Moxy! I thought you were dead! Wait, where's Mandy?"

"She's at the studio with Nolan waiting for us to get you back," Ox told him disappointed at Lou for running away.

"Lou, don't do that, please," UglyDog added while panting from running a lot.

"I'm sorry guys, I thought the humans made me kill Moxy and Mandy, so I just tried to save them," Lou apologized while feeling down.

"Save the apologies for when we get back, for now, we need to get you out," Wage sassed once again and then Ox had an idea then he ran all the way behind Lou.

"Um, Ox, what are you doing," Lou asked a bit worried and nervous at the same time. "Getting you out of those bars," Ox shaped his ears as bull horns and then went on his hands and feet and drugged his hand on the ground just like a bull and added with a smirk, "Ox style!"

"Ox what?" Lou lifted himself a little to see what was going on and then gasped because he understood what Ox is about to do. "Pretty Boy! A dale!!" Ox reared and then charged at his butt. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't Ox! Don't Ox!" Lou was kicking up dust trying to get away from Ox even though he was stuck. The kids were just standing there and rolling their eyes at what they were seeing, then the girl spoke, "you know if you do that, it only makes your head even more stuck." "Really?" Lou asked before Ox rammed his head in his butt and Lou almost wanted to scream in pain. "Are you out?" Ox looked back only to see he wasn't out. Lou used his legs to cover his butt in pain.

"Ok, dolls, you guys are getting it all wrong, you don't ram him, that's how he gets even more stuck, you get him out like this," the girl demonstrates with herself, "turn his head and then pull, turn his head and then pull." The dolls tried that and then Lou pulled himself out and sat on Ox. Ox pushed Lou off and then got up shaking dust off himself. "What is this stuff? It weakens toons," Lou found a styrofoam peanut and then tossed it on the ground. A little boy grabbed it and inspected it, "it's a styrofoam package peanut." "Styrofoam," Moxy repeated and touched it then freaked out.

"Ok, Lou, we have to get back to the studio, you have a lot of explaining to do to the humans," Ox grabbed his hand trying to pull him back and the kids just laughed. "Silly, there hasn't been a studio in New York City since the 1960's," the girl laughed only making the dolls shocked. "Wait? New York City?!" They all shouted and then looked at the guilty Lou. Ox starts to chase Lou around, "I'm going to kill you Lou!" Lou ran for his life from Ox, Lucky Bat stops them both, "listen, we need a map, not a wrestling match."

The kids looked at each other and then at them, "you guys look familiar, Anna, Benny, look at that guys eye, it's an X." "Yeah, I swear I've seen these toons before," Anna, the oldest sister said to them. "Alright, listen, a map to Burbank, California, tell us if you have one children!" Lou told them getting a little annoyed. "I know these dolls," the girl said. "Yeah, me too," Benny commented. "I've got to remember, it's getting into me, hold on," the answer was right in front of her but after a while, the girl snapped out of it, "no, I don't know, I thought I knew, so you guys needed a map?" She asked again. Ox facepalmed at these kids' being stupid. "Well, we know where to get one, follow us dolls," the girl signaled them to follow. "Finally," Lou said and then he and the dolls followed the kids to wherever they were going.

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