Meet Woody and Cho Cho Train

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//yes, I put Woody in this story because I was trying to look for a toon that would be perfect at resembling a more experienced and wiser toon that will help our heroes understand life, and because I've known woody my whole life, I know Woody would be the perfect type of toon, I saw Toy Story 4 on my birthday which it weirdly is the same day the movie first hit theaters and I did almost cry when spoiler alert, I saw Woody leave his friends for Bo Peep. Anyways, enjoy//.

It was Woody, the cowboy saw the dolls and then he almost couldn't remember who they were but Lou and the other dolls knew who he was. "Wait, Woody?" Ox asked and then Lou peered up at him with bright eyes, "could it be you? Our inspiration! You're Woody of that famous studio Disney! That studio is totally awesome we heard!" "Um, do I know you from somewhere?" Woody asked feeling like he recognizes their faces.

"We are from the studio STX Entertainment, I'm Moxy, this is our villain Lou, that's Ox, Wage, Babo, UglyDog, and Lucky Bat," Moxy greeted and then it clicked in Woody's mind, "You guys are new toons, aren't you? In all of the years I've been existing, I've never heard those names in my life." "We are, we're in the middle of production," Ox tells him then adds, "we were close to finishing but our villain ran away and we had to get him but then we ended up getting lost in New York City and jumped off a truck that was our only way to get back then-." "Woah woah woah! Slow down Rabbit, Ox right? Well slow down, the only thing I caught was the fact that you guys are in the middle of production and that your villain ran away which lead to you guys getting lost," Woody stops him and then Ox finishes, "we jumped out of truck and now we are here begging for scraps."

"I see," Woody said and then added, "you guys really need to get home before your guys' movie gets cancelled because you guys are nowhere around." Ox just nods as he looks at Lou who just dared not to look at Ox. "Well then I'll get you home," Woody told them and Lucky Bat asked, "you will?" "Yeah, I'm going to visit my friends at Disney anyways," Woody told them. "Then let's go, we're loosing daylight," Wage said and Lou added, "I agree, now, do you know any fast set of wheels Woody?" Woody looks around and then he remembers something, "I think I know the ride that has those features, follow me." Everyone followed Woody to the train tracks.

The train was barreling underneath the bridge they were on and Lou looked excited but Ox looked terrified. The others well they didn't know what to do. "So your plan here is we take the end of that big paper sign and then we give it a swing across the train, adjust the target and land dead center, right Woody?" Moxy asked and then he nodded his head. "Oh yeah! The actions taught me to do this and it was awesome! I can't wait to do it again," Lou excitedly said and he felt Ox trying to pull away from the leash, "no we are not doing that! That is going to kill us all!" "Ox, it'll be alright! I'm an expert at this!" Lou tells Ox and then starts dragging him to the long paper sign and grabbed the end of it. "No you are not Lou! Ahh!" Ox shouted as he was being dragged to it.

"Are you sure you've got this? Stunts outside the studio can be very deadly you know," Woody asked also feeling a little nervous but not too nervous. "Yeah!" Lou smiled and then everyone got on his back. "Stunts outside the what?" Ox asked Woody and Woody repeated, "yeah, you guys don't know that outside of your studio, if a toon tries to do stunts that you do in your show can lead you to serious injury and possibly death." "Wait! So are you saying that reality Lou will not be able to carry all of us and swing on a paper sign!" "Yeah," Woody realized that and then had a worried face, "oh no." "Lou! Don't you dare Swi-," Ox didn't finish because Lou already leaped off the bridge to swing and all of the weight was weighing him down. "Ahhh!" Ox screamed holding on for dear life. The sign started ripping bringing them closer and closer to the train almost at a hit point until it fully ripped and they all fell onto the train and Ox nearly fell off of it but clinched onto the ladder at the end of the train.

Lucky Bat tried to fly but he failed and landed hard on the train nearly breaking his wing. Lou got up and looked around to find everybody else on the train but Ox was not, he found Ox and reached out to him on the ladder.

"Ox! Buddy take my hand! We need you alive!"

"You Are Insane! Get Away From Me Villain!"

"Take My Hand! I'll save you!"

"No you won't! The horrors were right! We will die outside our-," Ox stopped in the middle of his sentence when he was slipping and the leash hooked onto the ladder dragging them both down and they fell onto the ladder when it was still attached to the train, a dangerous position. Lou tried to run off the ladder but his foot was stuck in between a gap in the ladder and he couldn't get it out. "Ox help!" He cried and Ox tried to walk over but his side of the leash was stuck too, "I can't get out either!"

Wage and Babo both heard the yelps of them and then Babo said, "Movie Logic! Go!" "Right!" Wage said and they both slide down to their aid, they saw the screws in the ladder loosening by themselves and then they tried to stop the screws from unscrewing. Babo tried using all of his strength to hold the screw in place but it was too strong for his doll self and the screw popped off sending Lou and Ox sliding to the side of the train where an upcoming pole was located.

Lou kept trying to pull but luckily Ox was able to pull his leash out and then he ran over to Lou and grabbed his leg, "ok buddy, remember what the children told us? Turn your leg and then pull!" "That's right," they both looked and saw the pole and then they both screamed, "Oh No! Hurry then Bud!" Ox yelled through the train noise. Lou was turning his leg and then pulling it at the same time, thankfully, his leg was finally loose and he grabbed Ox and then jumped off the train. "Again with the jumping off the train," Wage complained as the ladder hit the pole and broke off the train. The other dolls jumped off the train and they tumbled down the hill.

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