No chains!

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//the video on top is suppose to be a scene from the movie that the producers and the director are reviewing because that's the scene they had completed that day//.

The producers and the director started to review the scene they had filmed today. At the part when Tuesday asked Lou if he's seen her bangs, the director looked closely at Ox and saw he originally had chains around his ankles, seeing that, he paused the video and yelled, "Chains!" "There's chains on Ox," one of the producers repeated and everybody looked disappointed at that. "No, that can't happen, Lou could have seen those on him, he could have seen those on him," the director repeated in frustration at the mistake that could have messed up everything. "Um, who cares if Lou sees chains on Ox?" A voice from across the room was made, the director turned his head around to see a woman in a business suit standing at the door.

"Forgive me for answering a question, with a question, but who are you?" The director asked. "Jenny Burns from the network," she introduced herself in a not so pleasant manner. The director could see what was going on, so he decided to make himself very clear, "of course, let me ask you, Jenny from the network, what do you see here?" He asked pointing to a picture of Lou on the screen. (P.S this is the picture he was pointing at).

"Um, a doll," Jenny answered which definitely got him

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"Um, a doll," Jenny answered which definitely got him. "A doll she says, oh Jenny, poor poor Jenny," the director spoke sarcastically. "Am I missing something?" Jenny asked a little annoyed. "You are missing everything, Jenny, you see a doll, I see a villain who will try with every fiber of his being, Every Fiber! To destroy the helpless minds of the Uglydolls for being imperfect before they intoxicate his empire with their ugliness. Believe me when I tell you that whenever Lou acts on stage, it's always the greatest, most peculiar thing that has never been captured on a toon before, Never Jenny From The Network!" The director gets in her face and she is just laid back, not showing any fear or any other emotion.

"We jump through hoops to make sure that Lou takes his role as a villain on stage seriously, which means no harsh objects that will cause one of his mental breakdowns just because he's hurting his friends with those objects. Which is why we make this movie kid friendly, which is why we don't reshoot, and it's why we most certainly do not put chains on any of the dolls!" He stated once again while he pointed to the chained Ox again and then exhales. "Because, Jenny from the network, if Lou is evil, the ratings are good," he finally claims as he is pointing at another picture of evil Lou. (Here's the picture for visualizing that).

Yet again, Jenny was still unimpressed at what he said, "wow, ok, you want the ugly truth, here you go chief, the movie is failing for the audience to root for the good guys, Moxy and a group of friends leave their ugly village to train at a weird...

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Yet again, Jenny was still unimpressed at what he said, "wow, ok, you want the ugly truth, here you go chief, the movie is failing for the audience to root for the good guys, Moxy and a group of friends leave their ugly village to train at a weird perfection school ruled by a creepy fancy doll who always does everything he could to make their lives miserable, we get it, he's the bad guy, he's suppose to be hated, but most of the 18 to 35 year old audiences do not hate him, there is no hate with hate, so maybe you should I don't know spend a little less time worrying about the villain's mental breakdowns and more time focusing on how to desensitize him into being an actual evil villain to stop the audience from exiting the theaters, because if you loose so much as half a rating point, so help me, I will fire Everyone in this room starting with You!" She shouted as she walked out the door and then before shutting the door, she added, "How's that for the Ugly Truth?" And then she shuts the door and leaves the room.

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