Begging for Food

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//this part is when the dolls thought of a crazy idea of about playing dogs for the rest of the afternoon for survival just being inspired by what the kids did earlier, enjoy//.

Lou led the dolls to a near RV park and then he felt a moment of relief then said, "there it is, food." The other dolls looked at the RV park and they all could smell the smell of hamburgers and hotdogs cooking on a grill in the air. UglyDog, being the more hungrier doll out of the rest of them, licked his chops at the sight of food. "Ok guys, let's think of a plan," Lou tells the others and the UglyDog spoke up, "let's beg like dogs until we get food, this would be beautiful."

He went to walk down the hill they were on but he saw that the others didn't follow, instead looked at him confused. So, he walked back up the hill and then back towards the others, "you know, begging, make dog faces." "What the heck are dog faces?" Ox asked with one or his ears down like a confused animal and then UglyDog thought, I can't believe these guys don't know how to beg when we literally were introduced to a dog just last week, "ok, well, if we want to eat, you need to do exactly what I say." Ok whatever, Wage thought while rolling her eyes.

"Ok, first things first, tilt your heads a little to your left," UglyDog instructed and the dolls started to tilt their heads to their left. "More, more," UglyDog instructed again and Lou said, "this is weird!" "No, no, come on Lou, keep trying, you're almost close," he assures him and then Lou just kept going.

"Ok, now to your right."

They do so, then he instructed again, "look up, no down, now a little smile."

They smile and UglyDog didn't think any of their smiles were exceptional, so he said, "nah, lose the smile." They lose their smiles.

"Ok, those with ears, drop your left ears, your other lefts," they do so but he didn't like those either. "Alright, drop them both," UglyDog finally instructed and then added, "now make a sad face." "Like this teacher UglyDog?" Moxy asked and made the cutest begging face ever. "Let's do this thing guys!" UglyDog cheered and so the dolls walked down the hill together.

UglyDog decided to demonstrate what begging should look like. He walked up to one RV and rang the doorbell. When a couple opened, he made the begging face and then the couple awed and then gave him a hotdog while saying, "here you go." When they shut the door, UglyDog looked at the others and winked, they all said, "yes," and then walked over to the next RV. "Ok, Moxy, you are next," UglyDog said and then Moxy stepped forward and made a sad face and the guy at the door awed and gave her food too. Ox, at another RV decided to perfect the begging by literally rolling over like a dog to get their amazement. Wage failed by just waving with an ugly smile and then the guy at a different RV had threw a pan at her saying, "Beat It Ugly Creature!" and she ran. Babo started to juggle on a ball to get food while Lucky Bat made the begging face for the food. The dolls became a huge success and got a bag full of food within a hour, until finally it was Lou's turn.

"Ok, last RV Lou, would you care to do the honors and beg for us?" UglyDog asked while smiling but Lou, feeling insecure about it answered, "I don't think so, they are gonna look at me and think 'hey, it's Lou from the trailer of the new movie, he's a mean and jerk of a bad guy, let's throw pots at him or maybe even pull a gun to his head and pull the trigger.'" "Well, they did that to me," Wage added to that, not going lying about it. The dolls looked at her with a angry glare and then they looked back at Lou and UglyDog said, "Lou, this whole time we've been begging, you haven't begged once because you think they would hurt you at first sight, I mean you never know how they are going to react if you never tried once, just please try to at least make a sad face, I'm pretty sure these people won't throw things at you if no one knows yet if you truly are a bad guy in the movie because it isn't released yet." Lou thought about it for a moment, then he took a deep breath and nodded, "ok, I'll do it just for you guys." "That's our boy, now go over there and beg like a dog," UglyDog slapped Lou's back in a friendly manner and Lou walked over to the RV.

He closed his eyes and then rang the doorbell then he started to quiver hoping this would work. When the door opened, Lou made his best sad begging look ever while his heart was beating rapidly and his body was shaking a little and the lady's reaction was not what he expected. "Why hello child," she said and the Lou looked a little surprised but still kept his acting together. The lady added, "I love your suit, are you hear to try some of my delicious buttermilk dumplings? You wait right there," then she shut the door. Lou could believe it, some human was actually nice to him, and he looked at the others smiling, "did you guys see that? She didn't throw pots at me."

"Lucky!" Wage told him jealous and then Lucky Bat walked over and asked, "Yes Wage?"

"Not you, just a phrase," Wage tells him.

Lou just laughs at their argument then he said, "and she called me a child, she didn't even know I was a doll or a toon." "Probably because you are a child in a man's body," Ox joked and then Lou punched his arm, "ow!" Ox said and Lou tells him, "that's for saying that."

After Lou got the dumplings, they all hid somewhere and started to chow down on the bag of food they got until the whole bag was empty. "Look at us, already showing off our acting skills in the real world," Moxy complimented everyone and she sat down rubbing her belly, "gosh, I haven't eaten like this in ages." "Ok guys, we must keep going," Ox finally said and everybody were about to get up until a door opened to reveal another toy walk over to them but he wasn't any ok' toy, he was another Toon.

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