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//this part has two scenes, one from Ox telling the others how the horror started were right about the outside world and another where back at the studio, Mandy and Nolan have been put to a tough situation//.

Ox was flung onto a tree, the others were on the ground and Lou was flung into a trash can. Lou gets up only to feel his ankle had been sprung but he could still walk. "Is everyone alright?" Lou asked and everyone but Ox responded with , "yes." "The real world hurts doesn't it? And that's what the horrors had been telling us, isn't it?" Ox shouted from up the tree down to Lou and Lou looks up at him in the tree and said, "get down there Ox! We don't have time for anymore of your nonsense." Woody got up from hitting the side of the trash can, heard the argument and just told them, "stay here, I'll go get a ladder," and then he walked away to grab one. Ox continued, "think about it guys! Ever since we were separated from the studio, none of our powers are working, are they? So, for the first time, we are hungry, we are bleeding, and do you really think that we could survive out here if we know nothing about the real world?" "We can do this Ox, we just needed to believe," Lou tried to assure him but Ox just disagreed, "no we can't Lou!"

"I know you are scared, but please get down so we can talk this through," Lou said again but Ox crossed the line by tying the leash to the tree and then said, "No!" Lou started to get really upset now and warned, "Ox, so help me! I will knock you out of that tree myself!" "Ok, I would like to see you try," Ox dared while sitting back on the tree. You leave me no choice, Lou thought and then he charged at the tree and tried to use Movie Logic to knock it down but he hit the tree instead, hurting himself, "ouch."

"Oooh, I'm so scared," Ox said sarcastically and the. Lou tried again but still nothing and Ox was being sarcastic again, "oh wow, that was so scary, wait, no it wasn't." Lou kept on doing it and then Ox started getting a little annoyed, "ok Lou stop I'm not kidding anymore! Can you stop?" Suddenly, a van drove to them and stopped, they were toon snatchers, people who would find a toon walking alone on the streets and then snatch them and try to claim them as their own. "Lou, run! Stranger danger! Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!" Moxy was warning Lou but he wasn't listening to her either. "Lou! Stop please, come one we've got to run!" Ox was also warning and then he was trying to untie his leash. The toon snatcher grabbed Lou by the neck and picked him up roughly. "Louie!" Moxy yelled and then she was grabbed by another toon snatcher. Everyone were thrown into the van and then it drove off. Woody came out of an alley holding a ladder, "ok guys, I've got a ladder, now we can- dolls?" He saw the van drive off and saw the leash on the ground and could already tell what happened, "oh no."

Back at the studio, Mandy and Nolan were printing missing posters of the dolls, still having hope that they will find their friends. The director came walking into the room with a smile on his face and a bunch of other people came in with crates carrying something, "look who we found young...lady and Gentleman, it's your friends! They found them!" "Lou!" Mandy cheered and Nolan cheered, "Guys!" The doll toons came out of the crates and when Mandy went to hug Lou, he was like, "who are you?" Nolan could already tell they weren't them just by sense of smell, "those are not them."

The director knew they would say that so he said, "well that's just how you look at them. You see, when I was little I wanted a puppy for my birthday, but my parents got me a teddy bear instead. So, you know what I did, I pretended that teddy bear was a puppy, and I walked him to the park everyday. True story." "It's not them!" Mandy said getting angry now. "I think it's them, I do," the director said but the Jenny Burns walked in and then stepped in front of him, "look you two, it's about time we are honest with you, we have to get back into production, if we don't, people are going to lose their jobs, good people, with families, and if there's no people then there's no studio, so where would you guys live if we shut down?" "But our friends are still out there and we just can't-," Mandy was interrupted by Jenny again, "now we feel you and the only thing we are asking is for a couple toons to make a real life decision, but it's pass that now, we need you to move on, we need you to let your friends go."

Nolan couldn't believe what he was hearing and wanted to cry again. Mandy looked back at the doll clones again and then sighed, "ok, this way to the toon room guys, so you can start your training." "What's the toon room?" Clone Moxy asked. "Not Lou Mandy," The director demanded and then added, "to stage 10, we need to break the villain." Mandy led Clone Lou to stage 10 without fighting back.

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